14 October 2014

Z-Arts (in Manchester, England 08 November 2014): Veil

Source and please go to this link for other Veil events:  http://www.z-arts.org/events/veil/


11:00 am - 9:00 pm
The niqab debate: “Is the veil the biggest issue we face in the UK?”
“...the Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston ... compared the niqab to an ‘invisibility cloak’ and said women should be clear that the burqa is a symbol not of liberation but of repression and segregation’... What has been missing from many of these arguments is the voice of Muslim women.”—Kira Cochrane, The Guardian 16th September 2013
“I am a mixed race Yorkshire woman who has chosen to wear hijab as part of my identity as a Muslim. I love music, fashion and fast food, but you wouldn’t know unless you asked me!” —Zanib Thackary, a VEIL participant
VEIL is an immersive installation that becomes a performance space for spoken word, created in response to the stories of Muslim women. While protecting their identities, it will reveal the depths and subtleties very often hidden from mainstream/non-Muslim view. It doesn't just feature the niqab, but a range of Muslim women's voices. Step into the voices and stories of these women walk in their shoes and live their lives.
VEIL is an inter-generational, national piece of work, a collaboration between art forms, artists, experiences and stories
With Kay Adshead, Shanaz Gulzar and Kully Thiarai. Supported by Cast

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