07 October 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: Latest Study: Altering the Character of Jerusalem - The Forced Closure of Palestinian Institutions in Palestine’s Capital

Source: mass emailing




Latest PLO Study
Altering the Character of Jerusalem: The Forced Closure of Palestinian Institutions in Palestine's Capital

We are pleased to have released the latest study produced by the PLO – Negotiations Affairs Department entitled "Altering the Character of Jerusalem: The Forced Closure of Palestinian Institutions in Palestine's Capital." Copies of this research have been distributed to members of the Diplomatic Corp to the State of Palestine. The contents in the study are:

1)     Main Elements of Israel's Policy of Annexation and Judaization of Occupied East Jerusalem (Establishing settlements, denying family unification, imposing closure of the city, revoking residency rights, building restrictions, home demolitions, eradication of political, economic, cultural & social life and fragmentation of the Palestinian community).
2)     Jerusalem & The International Community (International law, International consensus, Israeli attempts to undermine a national identity, land grab, Jerusalem institutions during 20 years of peace process, some closed East Jerusalem institutions and their functions).
3)     Palestinian Institutions and the Deeper Fragmentation of the Jerusalemite Community (The closure of the Palestinian prisoners club, Jerusalem communities cut off from Jerusalem).
4)    Actions Required.
5)    Statement.

You can access the study in the following link: http://nad-plo.org/userfiles/file/New%20Publications/final_web_Eng_jerusalem_inst.pdf

Note: This morning, Israeli Occupation Forces raided the Issaf Nashashibi Cultural Center in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied East Jerusalem, and closed the launching of this publication in presence of diplomats from over 20 countries as well as representatives from Jerusalem's civil society. A statement was released by the Governor of Jerusalem Mr. Adnan Husseini and is available here http://nad-plo.org/userfiles/file/Press%20release/Governor_Husseini_after_Israeli_closure_of_publication_launching.pdf

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