13 October 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: British parliament votes to recognise the state of Palestine - 13 October 2014

Source: mass emailing



British parliament votes to recognise the state of Palestine:
Today, 13 October 2014, UK MPs at the House of Commons voted in favour of a motion calling for the recognition of the state of Palestine. The vote of 274 to 12, majority 262, saw MPs on all sides urge the Government to "recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel" as part of a "contribution to securing a negotiated two state solution".
The Motion tabled by Grahame Morris, Labour MP and supported by Crispin Blunt, Conservative MP, and Sarah Teather, Lib Dems, called the UK government to recognise the state of Palestine. (Amendment?) The vote passed by an (Overwhelming majority, unanimously, add number). Despite the vote being non-binding it is a symbolic historic vote that signals an important shift in UK policy. The motion received a lot of interest and support by the British public, civil society, faith groups and trade unions stirring a lot of debate within British politics.
The former Foreign Secretary, William Hague, announced in 2011 that Britain "reserve(s) the right to recognise a Palestinian state bilaterally at a moment of our (Britain's) choosing and when it can best help bring about peace." In 2012, Britain abstained from enhancing the status of Palestine to a non-member observer-state at the United Nations. In 2011, Britain abstained from granting membership to the Palestine at the UNESCO. During the war on Gaza, several members in the government voiced their concern about the UK policy towards Palestine including Baroness Sayeeda Warsi who resigned in protest.
In the lead up to the vote, many MPs from across parties have made public calls to support the vote, including; Sir Alan Duncan, former DFID Minister, who said that Britain needs to show moral courage and has a duty to recognize Palestine. Recently, former British Consuls to Jerusalem and former ambassadors to the region said that now is the high time to recognise Palestine and that the vote is the MPs historic chance to help the Middle East peace stating that a significant decision to recognise Palestine would encourage many European countries to follow suit.
Last week, Sweden the first major European country joined 134 states declaring its intention to recognise the state of Palestine. In 2011, the Palestinian leadership embarked on the UN bid in quest for enhanced UN status and international recognition of the state of Palestine on the 1967 borders in an attempt to salvage the two-state solution. The Palestinian leadership believes that the recognition of the State of Palestine protects the prospects of peace and accelerates its realization particularly in light of the current impasse.
President Mahmoud Abbas said, "The international community is now the last chance to save the two-state solution...The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: enough Israeli aggression, settlements and occupation."
In a statement addressed to UK MPs Foreign Minister Riad Malki said, "Our eyes and the eyes of all those around the globe who believe in Justice and peace are gloated over you with hearts full of hope that this vote will succeed in salvaging peace and garnering universal justice...Almost two decades ago, the EU took a positive approach and agreed the Palestinian right to self determination. Britain was an integral part of that consensus" and "This will -a vote in favour-, with no doubt, lead other European countries to take a similar step and will, in turn, reflect positively on the region."
Ambassador Hassassian said, "Today's vote is a momentous vote that is a stepping stone towards rectifying the historic injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people. MPs have reflected the will of the British public by recognising the State of Palestine and Palestinians right to freedom, justice and self-determination." He added, "Now is the time for the UK government to listen to its democratically elected parliament and to take decisive political action by recognising the State of Palestine and upholding its historical, moral and legal responsibility towards Palestine."

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