07 October 2014

Overseas Development Institute: Upcoming events at ODI

Source: mass emailing
ODI - Shaping Policy for Development
ODI - Shaping Policy for Development

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - Events Update
Launch of the OECD Development Co-operation Report (DCR) 2014
9 October 16:00 - 18:30 GMT+01 (BST)
How are we going to mobilise the resources to finance the Sustainable Development Goals? Join OECD Development Assistance Committee Chair Erik Solheim and ODI to discuss some of the challenges, and help shape the proposals to be taken forward to the UN Financing for Development negotiations.
Resilience is for life: reducing disaster risk in an ageing world
13 October 15:00 - 17:00 GMT+01 (BST)  
By 2050, the number of older people will have doubled to 2 billion. Populations are ageing most rapidly in developing countries, which are and will be increasingly exposed to disasters. What does this mean for management of disaster risk? Are we giving support to older people? Can we harness their potential to strengthen resilience?

Coming soon
Tuesday 14 October 17:30-19:15 GMT+01(BST)
Monday 20 October 14:00-15:30 GMT+01(BST)
Thursday 23 October 20:30 GMT+01 (BST)

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