02 October 2014

SOAS-University of London: Forthcoming Events in Oct 2014

Source: mass emailing

Dear Debra,

To celebrate the start of the new term we have an exciting range of open-to-all events on offer relating to the regions of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Below are just a few highlights from a whole range of events at SOAS this October: 

Symposium: 50 Years of 'Arrow of God', 100 years of Nigeria: A Celebration and an Inquest
4 Oct, 10.00am, Djam Lecture Theatre
The organisers of the Igbo Conference in association with CAS will host in the 'Arrow of God' Symposium, which marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Chinua Achebe's novel, Arrow of God which Achebe described as 'the novel which I am most likely to be caught sitting down to read again.' 
 For further details, please click here

16 Oct, 6.00pm, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Most of the received wisdom on land reform in China and Taiwan postulates that it was economically necessary, socially desirable, and demanded from below. Rather than evaluating land reform in these terms, this lecture conceives of land reform initiatives as campaigns that were both performative in seeking to inculcate rural populations into a new set of state norms and directly instrumental in clearing the ground of extant social elites that could block regime penetration of the countryside.
For further details, please click here

British Policy and Arab Displacement in Palestine, 1915-23; Contingency, Imperialism and Double-dealing

28 Oct, 5.45pm, Khalili Lecture Theatre
The argument offered is that the historical roots of Arab political displacement in Palestine lie, contextually, and decisively, with British imperial policy in the Levant in the late 1910s and early 1920s.  There are at least three critical factors:  first, war-time contingency and the political marginalisation of Arab communities at the time of the 1917 Balfour Declaration; second, Britain's overwhelming preoccupation in the Middle East with her hold on India and routes thereto by way of Suez, Palestine itself being a matter of meagre interest in terms of its cultural, demographic, and political circumstances;  and, third, the trashing - with much attendant dissembling - of the pledges for Palestine independence as set out in the McMahon-Hussein correspondence of 1915-16.
For further details, please click here

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SOAS Autumn Calendar of Public Events
Free public events from October to December 2014
You can download a copy of the Autumn calendar of SOAS public events using the link below. 
To download a copy, click here
We always welcome feedback on our events. If you have any comments and suggestions about our events, please email events@soas.ac.uk

Best wishes,
SOAS Events Team

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