07 October 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: PRESS RELEASE: The Historic Time of the UK’s Recognition of the State of Palestine has Arrived

Source: mass emailing

The Historic Time of the UK's Recognition of the State of Palestine has Arrived
On Monday 13 October UK MPs will debate and vote on the recognition of the state of Palestine. The Motion put forward is "That this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel." More than two thirds of countries around the world have recognized the State of Palestine. Most recently, Sweden declared its intention of recognizing the State of Palestine while the Spanish and Belgian senate passed similar resolutions recognising the state of Palestine. Yougov polls have shown that 71% of the British public think the Palestinian people have "a right to their own state". The Palestinian Mission to the UK views this vote as a historic opportunity for Britain to rectify the historical injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people since 1948, to shoulder its responsibility as the former Mandate of Palestine and to affirm its principled and moral support for freedom, justice and the right of Palestinians to self determination. We hope the UK government will follow the footsteps of other states as it cannot continue to linger behind.
The Palestinian leadership embarked on the latest round of negotiations led by the Secretary of State John Kerry and supported by the UK government in good faith. For eight months we engaged in a constructive manner, respected all our commitments and exercised self-restraint as Israel sought to continue and entrench its illegal occupation predetermining the results of negotiations via its settlement activities and brutality against our people rejecting the establishment of a viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Only last week, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, announced 2610 new units for the illegal settlement of Gi'vat Hamatos in Beit Safafa in East Jerusalem.
The UK government has repeatedly suggested that the window of opportunity for the two-state solution is narrowing, warning about the frightening consequences of the failure of negotiations. An unfavourable amendment has been tabled conditioning recognition "on the conclusion of successful peace negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority." The UK government has long tied the recognition of the State of Palestine to the outcome of the negotiations. In light of the current stalemate, the time for the UK to take a step that moves the peace process forward and changes the status-quo has arrived. Recognizing Palestine will advance peace and will send a clear message about the illegitimacy of the Israeli occupation and the urgency of ending the occupation. Supporting the Palestinian people's right to self-determination is a universal obligation according to international law and has been reaffirmed by the ICJ and in various UNGA resolutions. The recognition of Palestine is a unilateral and sovereign choice that states can and should take. This sovereign choice should not remain hostage to Israel's conditions and should not be subjected to the veto or objection of other states or organizations.
Ambassador Manuel Hassassian asserted that, "The upcoming vote in parliament is a litmus test for MPs support for freedom in Palestine and peace in the region. A vote in favour sends a promising message to Palestinians that justice is possible, that Britain does not accept the continuation of the illegal Israeli occupation." He added, "Now is the time for Britain to shoulder its moral and historic duty which is long overdue. Recognising Palestine will salvage the chances for realizing peace that achieves independence for the Palestinian people."
We urge MPs to attend the debate, support the motion, and to vote against the amendment.


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