04 July 2014

TSAS Newsletter, Issue Number 4, June 2014

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Friday, June 27, 2014 Unsubscribe | Printable Version
In this issue:

An Update from TSAS Co-director, Dan Hiebert

Summer has finally arrived across Canada and there is time to reflect on the last quarter of TSAS' second year. It was a period mainly dedicated to the viability of the TSAS network.

TSAS has continued to develop as a network, with three new affiliated individuals added in the period of record. There are now 48 senior researchers formally affiliated with TSAS, 44 graduate students (junior researchers), and 11 others (non-academic affiliates).

We held a major TSAS workshop in November (on national security and community relationships).  In the January-March period we planned our next workshop, which took place on May 30, 2014. The workshop presented the 10 TSAS-funded preliminary research findings. The presentations may be found here. I am happy to report that we have hosted our first extended international visitor at TSAS, beginning in January this year; Benoit Gomis brings to TSAS his expertise in the area of international criminal networks and their relationship with the illicit drug trade. He spent the last few years conducting research at Chatham House, one of TSAS's partner organizations, and will undoubtedly be able to help us maintain that connection.

  Click Here to Read More »  

Benoit Dupont: Director of SERENE-RISC Awarded $1.6 million

 TSAS counts many stars amongst its research affiliates and Professor Benoit Dupont stands out as a particularly brilliant one. A professor at Université de Montréal, he is the director of the Centre for Comparative Criminology and holds the Canada Research Chair in Security, Identity and Technology. He was recently awarded $1.6 million by the government of Canada's Networks of Centres of Excellence for his network of experts in cyber security known as SERENE – RISC, the Smart cybERsEcurity Network.
  Click Here to Read More »  

Presentations from the TSAS Preliminary Research Findings

In 2012 TSAS issued the first Call for Proposals for new research projects. The applications received were reviewed by a committee that included academic researchers and government officials across several departments. TSAS funded 10 of the  applications and researchers commenced work on their projects a year ago (in April 2013). And on May 30, 2014 the Principle Investigators of each project presented their preliminary findings to an audience in Ottawa, Ontario.
  Click Here for presentations »  

Browse New Publications in TSAS Library

TSAS continues to add new publications to the digital library. We hope that this resource will become of service to our affiliates.
One such entry includes a chapter by TSAS affiliate Alex Wilner, titled "Canada and the Arab Islamists: Plus ça change .…" It appears in The West and the Muslim Brotherhood after the Arab Spring, edited by Lorenzo Vidino, 2013.
Alex Wilner writes: "Canada is a curious political animal. It is a stalwart democracy and a leading economic and energy powerhouse, a founding member of the UN, NATO and the G7/8, and a member of both the Commonwealth of Nations (i.e. the British Commonwealth) and its French counterpart, Organisation international de la Francophonie. It has built, on its own terms, a special relationship with most of the world's great powers.... In sum, Canada is a widely respected international leader. And yet, paradoxically, despite its ability to influence, direct, and lead global affairs, Canada rarely does. It remains a cautious nation with a small and tidy international footprint. Nowhere is this more evident than in Canada's patchy (and at times, non-existent) relationship with the Islamist political forces currently rising in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)."
  To see this TSAS library entry and others click here. »  

Jordy Janssen: 2014 Summer Intern

TSAS welcomes Jordy Janssen who will be working as an international intern from June through August 2014.  Jordy hails from Hengelo, a small city in the east of the Netherlands. He  Political Science at Leiden University and is specializing in International Relations and Organizations. Jordy has a particular interest in security issues and will continue to help build the TSAS digital library.
  Click Here »  

Recommended Upcoming Events

TSAS publishes events that it organizes, as well as other upcoming pertinent conferences, workshops and presentations around the world.
A couple of upcoming important events include:
The Summer Program on Countering Terrorism, Aug. 25-29, ICCT, The Hague.
Society for Terrorism Research 8th Annual International Conference, Sept. 17-19, University of Boston, Massachusetts.

  Click Here to Find More Events »  

Canada's Future Policymakers and Academics

TSAS has brought together some of Canada's best and brightest scholars in the field as affiliates of this network of academics and policymakers.
We invite you to support the next generation of researchers and policymakers by visiting the TSAS Blog today to read their articles. And we encourage our network members to engage these rising academics by challenging, encouraging and debating with them on the blog. It is only with your participation that our future professionals will understand the very real and important links that must be made between academia, government and society. We hope to read your responses soon!
  Click here to find out who's up and coming! »  
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