27 July 2014

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information: Israel/Gaza round #3 - Afternoons with IPCRI

Source: mass emailing


Dear Friends and Supporters,
You are hereby invited to an Afternoons with IPCRI event where we will discuss the following issues:
What are the future prospects for Gaza?
Is the Palestinian reconciliation still relevant?
Are there Israeli-Hamas relations?
Is there any foreseeable future for a Peace process?
To discuss these questions we will host:
Dr. Anat Kurz, Director of Research at INSS
Prof. Mkhamar Abu-Sada, Al-Azhar University, Gaza (via video confernece)
Moderator: Dan Goldenblatt, co-director, IPCRI

The event will take place on Thursday, 31st of July, at 17:00 at the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem. The discussion will be held in English. 
We will look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,


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We are against normalization.
We are for ending the occupation and a just and sustainable resolution of the conflict

Our mailing address is:
Israel-Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives
PO Box 11091
Jerusalem 91110

You are receiving this e-mail because you have registered to one of IPCRI's Breaking Down Walls Tours.


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