07 July 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: Palestinian Prisoners - Key facts and figures

Source: mass emailing



Palestinian prisoners
Latest arrest campaign

Key facts and figures

3 July 2014
Since the start of the latest Israeli aggression:
Over 640 Palestinians have been arrested.
These include:
60 released prisoners in the exchange deal of 2011. These include 11 pre-Oslo prisoners bringing up the number of pre-Oslo prisoners in Israeli jails to 41.
12 Members of Parliament, bringing up the number of imprisoned parliamentarians to 23.
Around 170 of the Palestinians arrested these last two weeks are now held under administrative detention, the worst form of arbitrary detention, bringing up the number of administrative detainees to over 350.
This wide arrest campaign has brought up the number of Palestinian prisoners to over 5800. 

List of imprisoned Members of Parliament

1)      Marwan Barghouthi, first Member of Parliament to be abducted in 2002 and the most prominent Palestinian prisoner. Spent 19 years in Israeli jails, including the last 12 years.
2)      Ahmed Sa'adat, Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Abducted from Jericho prison in 2006 in violation of an international agreement.
3)      Ahmad Atoun, (Jerusalem), held for years in administrative detention and now Israel, the occupying Power, is contemplating presenting an accusation list against him
4)      Mahmoud Ramahi, elected Secretary of the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006, administrative detention
5)      Abdel-Jaber Foqaha, (Ramallah), administrative detention
6)      Mohammad Jamal, (Al-Khalil),  administrative detention
7)      Hatem Qufaisha, (Al-Khalil),  administrative detention
8)      Nizar Ramadan, (Al-Khalil),  administrative detention
9)      Mohammad Badr, (Al-Khalil),  administrative detention
10)  Mohammad Abu Teir, (Jerusalem),  administrative detention
11)  Yasser Mansour, (Nablus),  administrative detention
MPs arrested during the ongoing Israeli aggression
1)      Aziz Dweik, (Al-Khalil), elected Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006
2)      Hassan Youssef, (Ramallah), administrative detention
3)      Ahmad Totah, (Jerusalem), administrative detention
4)      Abdelrahman Zeidan, (Tulkarem)
5)      Ibrahim Abou Salem, (Jerusalem)
6)      Housni El-Bourini, (Nablus)
7)      Azzam Salhab, (Al-Khalil), administrative detention
8)      Ayman Daraghmeh, (Ramallah)
9)      Ahmad Mubarak, (Ramallah), administrative detention
10)    Anwar Zboun (Bethlehem), administrative detention
11)    Khaled Tafesh (Bethlehem), administrative detention
12)    Imad nofal (Qalqilya)
List of the prisoners released in the 2011 exchange deal who have been arrested in the last two weeks

Re-arrested pre-Oslo prisoners
1.      Nael Barghouthi
2.      Nidal Zaloum
3.      Abd El-Men'em Othman To'meh
4.      Majdi Atieh Suleiman 'Ajouli
5.      Ayed Khalil
6.      Samer El-Mahroum
7.      Alaa El-Bazyan
8.      Adnan Maragha
9.      Ibrahim Mesh'aal
10.   Nasser Abedrabbo
11.   Othman Musleh
12.  Safwan Al-'Ewaiwi
13.  Rabee' Barghouthi
14.  Suleiman Abu Eid
15.  Ibrahim Shalash
16.  Ibrahim Al-Masri
17.  Zuheir Sakafi
18.   Ahmad Al-'awawdeh
19.   Bassam Na'im Al-Natsheh
20.   Mahmoud Al-Swaiti
21.   Mu'amar Al-Ja'bari
22.   Khaled Makhamra
23.   Abbas Shabaneh
24.   Rasmi Maharik
25.   Nayef Shawamreh
26.   Na'eem Masalmeh
27.   Mu'az Abu Rmouz
28.   Amer Moqbel
29.   Ashraf Al-Wawi
30.   Muhamad Barakat
31.   Moayad Jalad
32.   Ya'koub Al-Kilani
33.   Aref Fakhouri
34.   Waheeb Abu Al-Rob
35.  Muhamad Saleh El-Rishek
36.   Mu'amar Ghawadra
37.   Imad Mussa
38.   Abdelrahman Salah
39.   Ashraf Abu El-Rob
40.   Wael Jalboush
41.   Nidal Abdelhaq
42.   Taha Al-Shakhsheer
43.   Zaher Khatatbeh
44.   Hamza Abu Arkoub
45.   Mahdi El-Assi
46.   Shadi Zayed
47.   Ibrahim Salim
48.   Jamal Abu Saleh
49.   Isama'il Hijazi
50.   Rajab Tahan
51.   Samer Issawi
52.   Khader Radee
53.   Imad Fatouni
54.   Muhamad Issa Awad
55.   Suleiman Abu Seif
56.   Amjad Abdelkarim Khaldi
57.   Ahmad Hamad
58.   Khaled Ghizan
59.   Bushra Al-Taweel
60.   Nizar Taqatqa

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