25 July 2014

National Peacekeepers' Day weekend of events - updated July 25

Source:   http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/po-mp/npd-jngp-eng.htm?fe

National Peacekeepers' Day weekend of events - updated July 25
Gala Dinner and Dance, Saturday, August 9 - open to all RCMP personnel
We welcome all past and present peacekeepers and support staff as well as all RCMP employees to attend the National Peacekeepers’ Day Gala Dinner and Dance with their guest.
This special event will be held on Saturday, August 9 in Ottawa at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum (11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa) to celebrate 25 years of Canadian police contributions to international peace operations.
The evening will feature a keynote address by Lieutenant-General Stuart Beare, Commander, Canadian Joint Operations Command; a performance by the RCMP and Ottawa Police Service Pipes and Drums and dance music by First Choice Entertainment. Prior to dinner, guests can go on a short guided tour of the museum or mingle around the peacekeeping photo exhibit and uniform display.
Tickets: Tickets are $75 and include a three-course meal with wine. Tickets can be purchased through the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division by e-transfer or by mail. Please email peacekeeping@rcmp-grc.gc.ca for details on ticket purchase and menu options.
Order of dress: RCMP members - walking-out order; police partners: ceremonial uniform. For civilians, formal attire is encouraged; however, business attire (suit with tie) is suitable.
Hotel: the Lord Elgin Hotel is offering rooms at a rate of $139/night (ends July 25). To reserve: reservations@lordelgin.ca or toll-free at 1-800-267-4298, reference “Royal Canadian Mounted Police”.
National Ceremony on Sunday, August 10
The annual National Peacekeepers’ Day national ceremony will take place at 11 am on Sunday, August 10 at the Peacekeeping Monument (424 Sussex Drive). The colourful ceremony will feature troops of military members, veterans and police officers on parade, music by the Band of the Ceremonial Guard and a C-17 fly past. The ceremony is open to the public.
Join the police troop! To mark the 25th anniversary in a memorable way, we invite police peacekeepers to turn out in large numbers for this national ceremony. Join our growing troop of police officers who will participate in this year’s ceremony by contacting Cst. Corri Bell-Boer at corri.bell.boer@rcmp-grc.gc.ca by August 1, 2014.
We look forward to celebrating the 25th anniversary of Canadian police in international peace operations with you in Ottawa!

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