28 July 2014

Free Palestine Solidarity March to British Parliament - 26July2014

Huffington Post: Dear Stephen Harper, Eid Mubarak

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/shahla-khan-salter/dear-stephen-harper-eid-mubarak_b_5625566.html

Shahla Khan Salter

Posted: 07/28/2014 1:42 pm

Dear Prime Minister Harper,
In the past month the world has witnessed thousands suffer in Gaza, Iraq and Syria, forced to flee their homes and/or face massacres. We have watched ISIS terrorists take over huge swathes of land in Iraq and head into Syria, killing thousands and implementing cruel and barbaric laws. And we have witnessed Israel bomb Gaza while Palestinians, including many children, have been injured or lost their lives.
The non-profit I represent, Universalist Muslims, alongside our partners -- other small, inclusive, egalitarian, Muslim community organizations -- around the globe, speak out for all who suffer, demanding justice and human rights for everyone, regardless of faith and target the oppressive policies of all those instituting them, regardless of grounds.
As a result, I have written to you in the past seeking help for: Christians in Pakistan, Shia minorities throughout the Muslim world, Canadians imprisoned in Iran, women stranded in Saudi Arabia and many others.
Most recently I asked you to speak up for Raif Badawi, a secularist and Saudi human rights defender, sentenced to 1000 lashes, 10 years in jail and a fine of approximately $260,000. A Saudi court convicted Mr. Badawi of insulting Islam because he published a website in which he asked Saudi Arabian authorities the reason it fails to allow women rights, Christians churches and continues to enforce medieval apostasy laws. Since Mr. Badawi's arrest in 2012, other Saudi human rights defenders have been imprisoned by the Saudi authorities as well, including his lawyer, head of the Saudi Human Rights Monitor, Waleed Abulkhair. Recently, Mr. Abulkhair was sentenced to 15 years in jail for the "crime" of "undermining the regime." It is reported by human rights organizations that Saudi Arabia is using its new policy, which mandates that all unbelievers are terrorists, to quash dissent.
You may have heard of Mr. Badawi from Canada's UN Human Rights Council delegation. It may have not made the headlines here, but recently Canada was one of a few countries, who demanded that the representative from The Centre for Inquiry, a US non-profit NGO, be allowed to raise Mr. Badawi's case there, after a motion to block was made by Saudi Arabia, who is surprisingly also a member. Mr. Badawi's case has also been raised in public statements by NDP MPs, such as Pierre Luc Dusseault and Wayne Marston.
But you have made no public statement at all respecting Mr. Badawi, notwithstanding that his wife, Ensaf Haider and their three children live here in Canada and badly need your help.
Why not? Is it because Canada needs Saudi oil? Is it because we need the jobs created by manufacturing light-armoured vehicles for Saudi Arabia?
Are you afraid to offend Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Harper?
Perhaps that is a risk worth taking.
After all, Saudi authorities and their friends in the Gulf have allowed the world to become a more dangerous place by failing to stop a few of its citizens from bank rolling terrorist organizations, including ISIS. And last week ISIS marked the homes of Christians in Iraq, whose families have lived there for two thousand years, outrageously demanding they convert, vacate or be killed. Do you believe the values of ISIS differ from those of the authorities of Saudi Arabia? Hardly. - So why stay silent?
One reason for my concern, Prime Minister Harper, is that like you, I am a parent. And in case you have not been advised, what is happening to children in the region right now is the worst nightmare of any parent. My heart goes out to parents like this Syrian mother:
(Zein-Al Rifai/AFP)

Children have paid the price in Syria and continue to in that country, with at least 8,607 children killed since the war began in 2011. They have been murdered in Iraq for more than a decade and will continue to be killed in greater numbers, once again under the regime of ISIS. (It is estimated that more than 5,000 people have been killed by ISIS already this year.)
And most recently, the world has watched in horror as the bodies of children are lifted from the rubble in Gaza.
The world grieves while children bear the brunt of the carnage throughout the region.
And, what compounds our grief is that most world leaders are doing nothing to save them.
We must do more in the name of humanity Prime Minister Harper. It is sad that Canada has taken so few refugees from Syria, since 2011. And your recent statement that Israel has a right to defend itself, in light of that country's atrocious actions and policies, inspires no one, except those who are blind to the humanity of children and their parents.
Prime Minister Harper, I love Canada. We are blessed to raise our children here.
But the world is small and interconnected. It means we must speak out and remain on the side of compassion and love, even if at times, there is a price.
After all, we must not be selective in our humanity.
Eid Mubarak.

Toronto Holds Largest Al-Quds Day Rally In North America 26Jul2014

Clip of Ami Ayalon in Gatekeepers and The Mosaic Institute:Given the current situation in Israel and Gaza, we are reminded of some of Ami Ayalon's words when he visited the Mosaic Institute in the Winter of 2013.

Ami Ayalon: 040 and 1.11

Given the current situation in Israel and Gaza, we are reminded of some of Ami Ayalon's words when he visited the Mosaic Institute in the Winter of 2013.


Truthdigger of the Week: Yuval Diskin

Source: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/truthdigger_of_the_week_yuval_diskin_20140726?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+Truthdig+Truthdig%253A+Drilling+Beneath+the+Headlines

Truthdigger of the Week

Truthdigger of the Week: Yuval Diskin

Posted on Jul 27, 2014

Yuval Diskin speaks during the 10 Years to the Geneva Initiative: Leading the Way to Peace conference in Tel Aviv in 2013. AP/Dan Balilty

By Alexander Reed Kelly
Every week the Truthdig editorial staff selects a Truthdigger of the Week, a group or person worthy of recognition for speaking truth to power, breaking the story or blowing the whistle. It is not a lifetime achievement award. Rather, we’re looking for newsmakers whose actions in a given week are worth celebrating.
Imagine if FBI founder and notoriously malicious snoop J. Edgar Hoover pronounced the views of 1960s antiwar protesters and other dissidents correct. Now set imagination aside and read this July 24 interview with Yuval Diskin, the former director of Israeli internal security service Shin Bet.
At the start of the third week of the Israeli government’s air and ground campaign against Hamas in Gaza, Diskin, who served as the head of Shin Bet from 2005 to 2011, criticized right-wing President Benjamin Netanyahu and his hawkish allies for reacting belligerently to the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teens in mid June, and more generally, failing to pursue a peaceful relationship with the two-tiered unity government in charge of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
“Israel should have been more sophisticated in the way it reacted,” Diskin told Spiegel Online interviewer Julia Amalia Heyer. “We should have supported the Palestinians because we want to make peace with everybody, not with just two-thirds or half of the Palestinians.”
Netanyahu pronounced Hamas responsible for the abduction of teenagers Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah three days after they went missing June 12. The conclusion may have been premature. Hamas denied responsibility for the kidnappings and no evidence came forth from Israeli intelligence to support the claim. (A BBC journalist later tweeted that an Israel police official said Hamas did not direct the attack.)
An ongoing insistence on Israeli exceptionalism maintained by force cannot produce long-standing peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Diskin argued. “I would warn against believing that the Palestinians are peaceful due to exhaustion from the occupation,” he told Heyer. “They will never accept the status quo of the Israeli occupation.” Instead, their passion for resistance will increase. “When people lose hope for an improvement of their situation, they radicalize. That is the nature of human beings. The Gaza Strip is the best example of that. All the conditions are there for an explosion,” he said. Later in the interview he added: “Real security can only be achieved through peace. Israel, despite its military strength, has to do everything it can in order to reach peace with its neighbors.”
The point is impossible to miss. In Diskin’s view, his peers in Israeli leadership bear significant responsibility for Palestinian behavior. Recently deceased American political scientist Chalmers Johnson, author of a number of historical studies on the dynamics of imperial power, termed spontaneous and inevitable resistance to indiscriminate applications of state force “blowback.”
Why does the ruling Likud Party persist with policy that is certain never to produce peace? Partly, Diskin answered, because the existence of a common enemy is a source of political power. He believes for example that Iran is not Israel’s “real problem,” and rather than the problem being the Palestinians themselves, he very carefully talks about the “conflict with the Palestinians.” Combined with the occupation of the West Bank, the conflict is “the biggest security risk for the state of Israel,” Diskin argued. But Netanyahu holds steady on a more vague enemy like Iran. “And of course he has derived political profit from it. It is much easier to create consensus about the Iranian existential threat than about an agreement with the Palestinians,” he said. Others in power similarly seek to maintain only their short-term political strength. They “are acting irresponsibly; they are thinking only about their electorate and not in terms of the long-term effects on Israeli society,” Diskin noted. And they are putting their fellow citizens at increasing risk in the process.
Diskin does not absolve Palestinian leaders of blame. For a peaceful resolution to the conflict, he said “we need commitment on the Palestinian side and the acceptance of the Middle East Quartet conditions”—a set of principles of coexistence outlined by the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia and opposed by Hamas. Diskin made his career leading an institution engaged in violent confrontations with people he policed, but his interview gives the impression of a man committed to the safety and well-being of both Israelis and Palestinians. It is a rare and urgently needed display of inclusiveness among the Israeli leadership. And he is not alone. “There are plenty of people within Shin Bet, Mossad and the army who think like I do,” he said. That appears to include 50 reservists who criticized the current operation in Gaza and the military itself in an open letter this week. It also includes all surviving six former leaders of Shin Bet, as was shown in the 2012 documentary “The Gatekeepers.”
But the composition of values in the military and government is moving rightward, becoming more extreme and violent in the direction of exclusive, self-contained jingoism. “[I]n another five years, we will be very lonely people. Because the number of religious Zionists in positions of political power and in the military is continually growing,” Diskin contended.
For representing the old Israel of progressive secular values and speaking up for all sides, we honor Yuval Diskin as our Truthdigger of the Week. Hear him talk in a clip from “The Gatekeepers” below.

Clip of Yuval Diskin from Gatekeepers and SPIEGEL: Ex-Israeli Security Chief Diskin: 'All the Conditions Are There for an Explosion'

Source: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview-with-former-israeli-security-chief-yuval-diskin-a-982094.html

Ex-Israeli Security Chief Diskin: 'All the Conditions Are There for an Explosion'
Interview Conducted by Julia Amalia Heyer
Photo Gallery: The Gaza ConflagrationPhotos
In an interview with SPIEGEL, Yuval Diskin, former director of Israel's internal security service Shin Bet, speaks of the current clash between Israel and the Palestinians, what must be done to achieve peace and the lack of leadership in the Middle East.

27 July 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: Gaza Under Fire - Report July 26

Source: mass emailing





Israel's Criminal Assault on the Occupied State of Palestine


Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information: Israel/Gaza round #3 - Afternoons with IPCRI

Source: mass emailing


Dear Friends and Supporters,
You are hereby invited to an Afternoons with IPCRI event where we will discuss the following issues:
What are the future prospects for Gaza?
Is the Palestinian reconciliation still relevant?
Are there Israeli-Hamas relations?
Is there any foreseeable future for a Peace process?
To discuss these questions we will host:
Dr. Anat Kurz, Director of Research at INSS
Prof. Mkhamar Abu-Sada, Al-Azhar University, Gaza (via video confernece)
Moderator: Dan Goldenblatt, co-director, IPCRI

The event will take place on Thursday, 31st of July, at 17:00 at the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem. The discussion will be held in English. 
We will look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,


Stay up to date by following us on Facebook
We are against normalization.
We are for ending the occupation and a just and sustainable resolution of the conflict

Our mailing address is:
Israel-Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives
PO Box 11091
Jerusalem 91110

You are receiving this e-mail because you have registered to one of IPCRI's Breaking Down Walls Tours.


So Here You Go Profilers - Another Sample

My academic account (as was the case with my personal account) is often inundated with spam accounts.

Some of them are clearly troll accounts that I believe are a direct result of my decision to attend graduate school outside of the USA.

So here is the latest spam.  And before I blocked it I am doing a call out to profilers (globally).

You don't need to respond, but let this be an exercise in learning - yet another one.