11 October 2017

WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) Annual Report 2016 has been published

Source: mass emailing

Exciting news: WILPF's Annual Report 2016 has been published
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WILPF's Annual Report 2016 has been published

And we are very excited to share it with you!

In 2016, WILPF worked on every continent to secure women's meaningful participation, to conquer violence and militarism and to make a fair world based on human rights. In our Annual Report 2016, you will get an insight into some of the amazing projects, initiatives and programmes conducted by WILPF International, our partners and 33 sections.

Our Annual Report 2016 will give you an insight into the WILPF community and explain the term 'feminist peace' upon which WILPF's entire work is based. You will read about WILPF's new strategy and theory of change, and learn more about how our programmes and sections work together.

The report will take you on a journey across the world from Nigeria to Colombia, from Bosnia to Syria, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Sweden, and show how our staff and sections worked to think differently and act differently.

With activities on every continent, we demonstrated our ability to incorporate the local perspective and the knowledge, experiences and recommendations of women on the ground.

In the Annual Report, you will learn about WILPF's local-global-local approach and read about the importance of bringing the voices of women to both the national and international level.

The Annual Report is a reminder of the importance of movement building and solidarity within the feminist movement. It is a reminder that activism matters.

Stay updated. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.
WILPF's mission is to end and prevent war, ensure that women are represented at all levels in the peace-building process, defend the human rights of women, and promote social, economic and political justice. 

Women's International League of Peace and Freedom · 1, rue de Varembé · Geneva 1211 · Switzerland

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