02 October 2017

Some Questions About Westminster Incident of 22 March 2017 (originally posted 24March2017)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/research/some-questions-about-westminster-incident-of-22-march-2017/1059458487534193/
Some Questions About Westminster Incident of 22 March 2017
1) His age. Is this “normal” for someone of his age to be in the actual “performance” end of such an act?
a) And a 52 year old, overweight man…what was fueling his physicality? Adrenaline? Other means? I feel like that is something to ask.
b) He was 52 years old. Is the spectrum of the profile more expansive than previously thought? Have I misunderstood the variance in the spectrum?
c) Is this a violent fueled middle-life crisis that has been contextualised through extremism by actor, victims and viewers?
d) And it was, I think a s***ide mission? S***ide by.....Was that a part of this? What messaging is this sending to whatever global community he was affiliated with?
2) Why is there such confidence that he is a lone actor? Could he not have support that simply was not present the day of the event?
a) And who is being arrested in these roundups?
3) Why such confidence there was a specific end plan? Hasn’t this been discombobulating and injurious in and of itself? Could the plan “simply” been, Let’s see how far I get?”
4) Is it time to arm all police officers guarding Westminster? I like many others have been tremendously enriched and grateful for the access given to the general public in Parliament. I would rather the sight of an armed Bobbie than the loss access of spaces that have in my particular situation furthered democratic and inclusive discussion of UK National Security.
- Debra V. Wilson

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