09 October 2017

Isha L'Isha- AUGUST 2017- SEPTEMBER 2017 newsletter

This is a partial cut and paste of Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center's August 2017- September 2017 newsletter, which was sent out as a mass emailing.  Please see the group's Facebook page for complete information: https://www.facebook.com/IshaLishaHaifaFeministCenter/

Isha L'Isha- AUGUST SEPTEMBER newsletter

Isha L'isha-Haifa Feminist Center
August-September 2017

DYKES DO IT BETTER- A series of talks about sexual identity 

Isha L'Isha in cooperation with Communities' House for Pride for Tolerance-Haifa, held a series of talks about lesbianism and other sexual identities. 

Ruth Preser spoke about lesbianism, queerism, and anti normative, between politics to a life style.

Yali Hashash spoke about lesbianism and Eastern societies. 

Gahdir Al-Shafie spoke about Aswat-Palestinian Gay Women

Hannah Safran talked about lesbian history: "Where were we and what did we do-lesbian history and her connection to feminism." 
Pop Up Yoga at Rama
A yoga class and a lecture with Isha L'Isha and The Ladies' Table, two organizations which work to empower women and create a supportive community for all women to be members of. 
The Yoga:
Anahata is the initiative of 2 Tel Aviv yoga teachers aimed at creating charitable, social and open-hearted yoga events around the city. Anahata means the pure and unwounded heart that continues to give no matter the challenges that face and surround us.
For more information on yoga classes, workshops and events contact any of the teachers for details
Emily: http:// https://www.facebook.com/emyogatelaviv/ 

The Kidnap and Disappearance of the Children of Yemen, Balkans and the East

We, the women of Isha L'Isha-Haifa Feminist Center have been following the developments and the new findings which were found regarding the kidnap and disappearance of the children of Yemen, Balkans and the East, between the years 1948-1954 and wish to speak of this matter.
As women and social activists, first and foremost we share the pain and the frustration that those families must feel, that even after so many years they had not received the full information of their loved ones' faith, and not even a recognition in the crimes that been committed against them.
Recognizing the struggle of these families to locate their loved ones is a social-feminist struggle that cannot be ignored. Ignoring it, or displaying a complete lack or recognition of the matter creates a direct link between the wrongdoing that was committed in the past to the preservation of oppressive modern mechanisms. We believe that by recognizing what happened, alongside policy changing actions, will guarantee that similar actions like these will not happen again. As a part of this discussion, we witness other acts, such as giving Depo-Provera to Ethiopian women, as a continuation of the same discriminative oppressive mechanism against women, who receive different treatment from the social and medical establishments because of color and origin.
Link to the full article: http://isha2isha.com/הצהרה-בנושא-חטיפתם-והיעלמותם-של-ילדי-ת/
 Hadassah, Tel Aviv, by Hans Pinn
Pat Parker
An event was held at Isha L'Isha, in which was discussed the life of the poet Pat Parker. Pat Parker was a lesbian, a black panther, an activist and a feminist. During the gathering the participants read several poems by and her latest poetry book which was translated to Hebrew "where will you be?" was sold. 
Palestinian Women in Israel
The historians' forum in Haifa Feminist Institute met with Manar Hasan and Liat Kozma on the occasion of publishing the book , "Personal Status and Gender – Palestinian Women in Israel"-
They discussed the relation between Palestinian women in Israel, the religious judicial system and the civil judicial system from a political, social and feminist perspective.

Yemen-born Jewish Israeli Yona Josef holding a photograph dated back to the 1940's of her and her father back in Yemen, in her home in Ra'anana, Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Are you looking to volunteer? Isha L'Isha is looking for you!

Isha L'Isha is a feminist organization that promotes equality and social justice in various spheres.
Isha L'Isha is a non-hierarchal organization that serves as a home to female activists of varying class, background, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, and sexualities.
Our activities include: Women, peace and security; Women and medical technologies; Eco-economics; Women and physical disabilities; Fair employment; Research institute, feminist and queer archive, library, etc.
The organization operates in several methods including: research, communication, protest, education, lobbying and legislation, empowerment, leading coalitions, organizations and more.
Volunteers may choose from a variety of ongoing projects in the organization, in accordance with their interests and the needs of the organization. The work will be supervised by members of the team and volunteers.
For more information about the organization and its activities: 
Zameret Hereshko 04-8660951, Hannah Safran 052-7076166

Upcoming events

18.10: meeting with Dr. Orna Donath-
In a social reality that encourages and even pressures women to become mothers, different women from various social groups might have multiple discussions, open and confidential about the desire and lack of it to become a mother, according to their personality and life circumstances.
During the talk we will discuss a tumultuous movement which exists underneath the surface and that conveys one clear message: if you are a woman it means that you must desire to become a mother, period.
Dr. Orna Donath is a sociologist, a lecturer and a social activists.
She wrote the books: "Regretting Motherhood, a study" and "Taking a Choice: Being Childless in Israel." 


 30.10 :A talk with Rachel Said from Amram, Oshrat Freedman, an activist and Hedva Eyal from Isha L'Isha. They will discuss the kidnapping and disappearance of the children of Yemen, Balkans and the East, and the Depo Provera birth control shot.

Yemen-born Jewish Israeli Yona Josef holding a photograph dated back to the 1940's of her and her father back in Yemen, in her home in Ra'anana, Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

New courses opening!  

Second self defense course opening after holidays!
For more information, please contact: isha@isha.org.il

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