14 October 2017

Bow Group Invitation to Panel Discussion and Dinner - 16Oct2017

Source: mass emailing

Dear Friends,

The Bow Group would like to remind you of our upcoming event.

On Monday 16th October The Bow Group will be hosting a discussion on the topic of 'A Conservative Approach to Defence and Security.'

Our esteemed speakers at this event include

The Baroness Neville-Jones DCMG - Former Chairman of the British Joint Intelligence Committee

Nirj Deva MEP - Conservative MEP for South East England. Co-Ordinator of the Committee on Overseas Development and Cooperation and bureau memeber of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.

Sir Edward Leigh - Conservative MP for Gainsborough and former Chair of the Public Accounts Committee

Should you wish to purchase a dinner ticket you will enjoy a three course meal at The Carlton Club with all our speakers. 
The discussion will take place in Committee Room 9 in The Houses of Parliament and will run from 7pm-8:30pm. We will then retire for dinner at The Carlton Club.
As the event is being held in the Houses of Parliament, we ask that attendees use the Cromwell Green Entrance to Parliament not the entrance to Portcullis House.
Image may contain: sky and cloud
16th October 2017
Tickets to the Discussion - Free
Tickets to the Discussion and Dinner - £65

Owing to unprecedented interest, tickets to dinner are EXTREMELY LIMITED so please book quickly to avoid disappointment.

Tickets are available from the following link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-conservative-approach-to-defence-and-security-tickets-37967448661

We look forward to seeing you all there!

The Bow Group · 1A Heath Hurst Rd · London, United Kingdom NW3 2RU · United Kingdom

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