14 October 2017

14th -15th Oct 2017 ~ FiLia 2017 formerly Feminism in London, England

Source: mass emailing

@ the Institute of Education, London WC1

The success of Feminism in London over the last few years has helped
us reach a big milestone – we have been granted charitable status.

Our new organisation is called FiLiA, a word meaning daughter,
reflecting our intention to steadfastly continue the work of our
fore-mothers to create a better world for our daughters.

FiLiA aims to:

stand in sisterhood and solidarity with women and girls throughout the
world in our collective struggle for economic, political and social
contribute to growing and strengthening the Women's Liberation Movement
work tirelessly and effectively to analyse, understand and dismantle
patriarchy in all its forms everywhere

Throughout the conference there will be stalls, art exhibitions, quiet
chill-out rooms, and more.

A free creche will run through the morning (9:15 – 12:15) and the
afternoon (13:15 – 18:30).
Children's workshops (age 6-12 recommended) are available and are free.
Children and infants are welcome during the main sessions at their
adult's discretion.

Lunch is not provided but can be bought at any of the many nearby
cafes, or you are welcome to bring your own.

More information at https://filia.org.uk/about-the-conference/


One day £50 (£30 concession)
Two days £80 (£50 concession)
Party £5 (£3 concession)
Children 0 – 12 free

Buy tickets online at https://filia.org.uk/book-tickets-filia

The conference will be compered by
Kate Smurthwaite, comedian and feminist activist.


Conference Programme

Saturday Opening 9.30 – 10.15

Keynote Speech: Cordelia Fine
Testosterone Rex: Myths of sex, science and society
Claire Heuchan
Interracial solidarity in the Women's Movement

Saturday Morning 10.45 – 12.15 (choose one)

When Courage Is "Illegal" – The Story of Women Refugees
LA LA Land
Political Awakening
Getting justice for women when men are violent
Revolutionary Women
Talking persuasively when you fundamentally disagree

Saturday Afternoon 1.15 – 2.45 (choose one)

Prison Doesn't Work
Flaunting Fearlessness
Abortion Act: 50 years
Feminist Art: Access, Activism and Representation

Saturday Afternoon 3.15 – 4.45 (choose one)

Women and the environment: a feminist perspective of the current
environmental situation
Putting Class back into Feminism
Sexual Exploitation of Women: Where Misogyny and Racism Meet
Build A Girl
Trump & Co: Bash Or Hug?
Women Making News, Women Changing The World

Saturday Afternoon 5.15-6.30

Emma Humphrey Memorial Prizegiving

Saturday Evening Options

'Women Making News' talk and film 'Calais Children'
(another chance to hear this talk, donations on the door)



(buy tickets when booking FiLiA entrance) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-

Sunday Opening 9.30 – 10.15

Keynote Speech: Stella Dadzie
Black Women organising: Past Imperfect, Future Tense…
Gemma Aitchison
From 'Yes Matters': a reading and a call to action

Sunday Morning 10.45 – 12.15 (choose one)

International Activism
The Changing Face of Patriarchy: Is it receding or just reinventing itself?
Trading in youth : from male violence to activism
Sex & the Citadel: Gender, Sexuality and Religious Fundamentalism
Parenting To Power
Where Are We?

Sunday Afternoon 1.15 – 2.45 (choose one)

Teaching Equality
Sisters doing it for ourselves? The crisis facing violence against
women support services and what you can do
Domestic Violence And the Family Courts
Practical Woman
Grace Under Fire
Personal Safety Talk And Demonstration

Sunday Afternoon 3.15 – 4.45 (choose one)

Lesbian Line: 40 years
Gender & tech / sex robots
Word After Word
Finding A Voice: Activism From A Muslim Woman In The Digital Era
What is 'Recovery' Anyway, and Is It Even Possible? Living Life After
Rape and Sexual Violence

Closing Performances And Speeches 5.15 – 6.30

Sim Bajwa "Go Home" a reading
Kate Willoughby "#EmilYMatters"
Frances Scott 50:50 Parliament Campaign
Megan Walker 'Shifting the culture for future generations through
global mentorship'
Grizelda Grootboom
Finn Mackay 'Feminism; Unbought And Unboxed'

Full details of conference programme @

For updates and amendments:



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