18 May 2018

Women Wage Peace May 2018 update

Source: mass emailing

Special Update 18.5.2018 
Dear friends and supporters,
In light of events earlier this week affecting us all, we've decided to interrupt our usual updates highlighting our most recent activities and instead share with you what we are doing this very moment and into this coming autumn to encourage political alternatives that will bring lasting security to our region. 
Mothers' Tent – now until July 22
You'll find us opposite the Knesset [Israeli Parliament], hosting groups of young people, politicians, artists, journalists, lecturers, even tourists who've come to see the famous menorah. Take a peek inside our cozy but spacious tent here. If you can't make it to Jerusalem during these nine weeks, please consider setting up a tent in your own community. Mothers' Tents around the world would be a highly appreciated act of solidarity. And of course please share this 30-second video about our Jerusalem Mothers' Tent on FB. 
Five Cities Project – Aug/Sep
Between the end of the Mothers' Tent in Jerusalem and World Peace Day on 21 Sep, we'll be bringing our message to five cities around the country. The purpose of these tents is likewise to bring people together from across the wide spectrum of Israeli society to talk openly, without shaming or blaming, about how to solve the conflict and bring peace to our region. 
World Peace Day March – 21 Sep

Officially known as the International Day of Peace, this worldwide holiday falls on Fri 21 Sep this year. WWP will celebrate with a silent march in Jerusalem ending in a massive sing-in planned for an outdoor area near the Old City.
Int'l Women's Conference – late Nov.
Here's the skinny.
target audiences: university students and other young women – tomorrow's leaders – joined by elected officials, opinion-makers, artists and performers, WWP members; 5,000 in all
location: centrally-located university with satellite sites in the north and south of the country and collaborations with universities abroad
goals: to strengthen public awareness that a political agreement is Israel's best national security strategy and to amplify the voices of diverse women sharing the common need to be full partners in matters of security and negotiations
Political Alternatives Bill
Woven into all these events and activities above is our current legislative initiative, a Political Alternatives Bill, beginning with huge field and media campaigns to raise public awareness about the need for the Israeli government to examine political alternatives, on both an ongoing and emergency basis, to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

We'll return with our regular update soon. We have much to share about our ongoing projects and actions. In the meantime, we encourage you to join our FB group just for supporters, in English or Spanish:
Ramadan Kareem -
a blessed Ramadan to all our Muslim members and friends 

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