18 May 2018

Al Jazeera: What I saw in Jerusalem

Source: mass emailing

May 14, 2018
Controversial relocation won't change 'Palestinians' will', Jerusalem residents say, amid call for large-scale protests.
On his first visit to Jerusalem, Al Jazeera's Showkat Shafi saw how daily life is completely segregated for Israelis and Palestinians.

Online abuse is leaving Indian women feeling vulnerable and not empowered.

The real reasons behind Trump withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and its implications for the greater Middle East.
Chandro Tomar, the country's oldest sharpshooter who has won dozens of championships, now teaches young people.
For 21 years, the Bi-Communal Choir for Peace has defied threats, insults and bans to promote unity and reconciliation.

Tikva Honig-Parnass joined the Palmach militia as it ethnically cleansed Palestinians and now works to expose the crime.

How Venezuela's economic crisis has turned basic tasks like food shopping and commuting into feats of endurance.
Native Hawaiians and others fight the US military's use of land on Big Island for live-fire testing.

A Dutch artist rescued migrant ships in Lampedusa, turned them into canal boats and employed refugees to run tours.

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