12 May 2018

BBC 3: Too Fat For Love? ///Constructed Identities/African-American co-opting to Validate Marginal Status /False Dichotomies and the Female Body/The UK and the Obesity Crisis

1. UK and Obesity thru the nation's broadcaster
2. Constructs of Gender
3. Constructs of Health
4. Dating
5.Validation thru Nudity and Women
6. The continued promulgation of false dichotomies around the female body
7. The co-opting of constructs of the performance of African-American (with African-Americans being the ultimate - 'most globally acknowledged') identities to validate otherness
8. The continued narrative, 'it is okay to be lewd, as I am the other.'
9. The UK and Obesity Crisis
10. Like the constructed identity of the AIDS public health crisis in the 1980's (in the West)...The current obesity crisis in the UK (circa2018+) is also being dumbed down, as it too has been 'sexualised.'  And history shows that when a public health crisis is sexualised scientific discourse struggles to be heard.

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