18 May 2018

New Israel Fund: The news from Israel and Gaza

Source: mass emailing

Debra V. ,

I just got back today from a trip to Israel. The news as I was leaving for the airport was troubling. Unarmed Palestinian protesters were being killed and wounded by Israeli fire at the Gaza border. Meanwhile, Trump Administration officials were celebrating the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem.

None of us can know what will come next. None of us can know whether the violence will escalate further.

What I do know, and what I want you to know, is that there are countless Israelis who are not sitting on the sidelines, passively watching the news. They are taking action to address what's going on.

These are the Israelis that I'm proud that NIF is supporting. Here's a glimpse of what they're up to right now:

Physicians for Human Rights – Israel continues to send teams of doctors from Israel to treat the wounded and ill in Gaza. They intercede with Israeli military officials on individual cases to help make sure that critically injured patients get the medical attention they deserve.

Omdim Beyachad (Standing Together) -- a grassroots movement of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel -- is organizing a demonstration today that is calling for an end to the shooting in Gaza.

Yesh Din, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Gisha, and HaMoked have filed an urgent legal petition asking the High Court of Justice to review the open-fire regulations that permit live fire at protesters who are not endangering anybody's life.

And we continue to support Gisha's research and advocacy efforts to end the Israeli policies that amount to a siege on Gaza.

The geopolitics of the situation are complicated. It's not at all clear that the politicians in Washington, or in Jerusalem, or in Ramallah, or in Gaza City will do the right thing. But that won't stop the Israeli civil society groups that you and I support from acting with moral clarity to build a better future.

Thank you for your partnership.

Daniel Sokatch, CEO
New Israel Fund

New Israel Fund (NIF)  |  6 East 39th Street, New York, NY  |  212.613.4400  |  info@nif.org

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