30 July 2016

Facebook Page: Relationships in Conflict

A feminist based, relational analysis of which security models facilitate lasting and sustainable peace models. This page will also examine:

1) How relationships, often unacknowledged, 
are formed in situations of prolonged conflicts. 

2) An examination of how and why relationships are defined and formed in conflicts.

3) Diagnostically examining those relationships (roles) formed in spaces of conflict and how their collective interactions can discourage the perpetuation of conflict and encourage spaces for expressions of modalities of peace. 

Marginalized Communities and Religion as Part of Strategic Planning and Occupying Spaces Safely and Social Change as a Security Model

29 July 2016

In humour a comedian bears witness to both a nation’s history of perpetual violence and loss and strategies of coping and security. (Two (2) Videos)

“This is so Irish. There’s a fire alarm going off in the background, and nobody gives a shit.” At approximately 3:38

Security Models Constructed By Some Marginalized Communities - Two (2) Videos

Language Warning

9 Non-Threatening Leadership Strategies for Women

Female leaders need to make sure they're not perceived as pushy, aggressive or competent. Here are 9 non-threatening leadership strategies for women.


The Construct of the Female Through the Internalized Rage of the Persecuted

WomenSecurity PeaceFeminism

Shared publicly  -  6:30 AM

WomenSecurity PeaceFeminism

Shared publicly  -  6:31 AM
Fresh lemonade is my drink of choice. In my small Kentucky town, beautiful black, brown, and white girls set up their lemonade stands and practice the art of money making—it’s business. As a grown black woman who believes in the manifesto “Girl, get your money straight” my first response to Beyoncé’s visual album, Lemonade, was WOW—this is the business of capitalist money making at its best.

26 July 2016

"Islamic terror could drive Europe into the arms of the far-Right" by Mr. Con Coughlin and Strategies of and Responses to Politically Based Violence

Strategy: "Claiming" safe spaces to give the feeling of being every
"By targeting this quiet French town, the killers, who were subsequently shot dead by French police marksmen, have shown that nowhere is safe from the malign designs of Islamist fanatics. Nor is the growing threat posed by Isil militants confined to France."

Strategy: Destabilizing national identities through actions that simultaneously perpetuate a sense of  "personal/safe space"  loss and helplessness. 
For all the Republic’s secularist pretensions, Catholicism remains part of France’s national identity, and the murder of an elderly priest is just the kind of attack that could provoke sectarian tensions of the sort we are more used to seeing in the Middle East, as opposed to the heart of Europe.

Response: Providing simplistic 'fix it solutions' to complex problems to a traumatize populace.
"In France, meanwhile, Front National leader Marine Le Pen has been quick to exploit the wave of anger directed towards President Francois Hollande over his handling of the terror threat. Yesterday, commenting on the attack at Saint-Etienne-du Rouvray, she accused the entire French establishment, both Left and Right, of sharing “immense responsibility” for creating the circumstances in which Islamist terrorists can operate in France."

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2016/07/26/islamic-terror-could-drive-europe-into-the-arms-of-the-far-right/

Islamic terror could drive Europe into the arms of the far-Right

Le Pen
Marine Le Pen argues terror attacks represent a failure of the French establishment

Of the all the places Islamist terrorists have chosen to ply their wicked trade in Europe these past few weeks, the sleepyFrench town of Saint-Etienne-du Rouvray is one of the more unlikely settings for committing acts of extreme violence.
Unlike the high-profile, Isil-inspired attacks France has suffered in Paris and Nice, yesterday’s ordeal in this small town in Normandy, situated four miles south of the great French cathedral city of Rouen, began with an attack on a group of worshippers attending morning Mass.
After entering the town’s Norman church and taking several worshippers hostage, the two knifemen were heard to shout “Daesh” – the Arabic acronym for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) – before slitting the throat of an 84-year-old Catholic priest, Fr Jacques Hamel.
A priest has throat slit in NormandyPlay!01:04
By targeting this quiet French town, the killers, who were subsequently shot dead by French police marksmen, have shown that nowhere is safe from the malign designs of Islamist fanatics. Nor is the growing threat posed by Isil militants confined to France.
As the seemingly relentless wave of terror attacks Europe has suffered in recent weeks demonstrates, Isil extremists now appear capable of striking at will at any point on the continent that they choose.
The prospect of Right-wing nationalists exercising real political power in France and Germany is one that even the most ardent Brexiteer will view with dismay
Intelligence officials have issued several stark warnings that Isil has actively sought to exploit the migrant crisis to set up a network of terror cells in Europe, specifically targeting key European countries like Britain, France, Italy and Germany.
Now it seems all of these warnings are being borne out, with all the implications that could have not only for European security, but for the continent’s future political stability.
It has long been a central tenet of Islamist ideology that, if the extremists were able to destroy liberal, Western democracies, they would then be able to establish a regime based on Islamist principles in their place.
It might seem far-fetched that a bunch of ill-disciplined barbarians living in their self-styled Caliphate in northern Syria could actually destroy the civilised world. But they are deadly serious about achieving their aims.
Hollande: Isil group behind Normandy attackPlay!01:39
Western Europe has been here before, of course. Just like today, terrorist atrocities became a feature of everyday life in the 1970s and 1980s when far-left activists, such as Germany’s Baader-Meinhof gang and Italy’s Red Brigades, undertook a series of high-profile terrorist attacks aimed at destroying Western democracies in the hope that they would be replaced by communist rule.
Ultimately, these ideologically-driven groups failed because they were active at the height of the Cold War, when few Europeans were keen to sacrifice their personal freedom for dedication to the Soviet cause.
Now, as Europe faces disruption on a similar scale generated by a new generation of Islamist-inspired terrorists, its leaders must show similar resolve if they are not to fall into Isil’s trap of allowing the current wave of terror attacks to bring about a true European political crisis.
The political reverberations from this new wave of atrocities, which began with the Bastille Day attacks in Nice that claimed 84 lives, are certainly starting to be felt throughout Europe. And with elections due in Germany and France next year, they could have worrying implications for the continent’s future.
In Germany, the government’s failure to grasp the public’s mounting resentment towards Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy in handling the migrant crisis has caused the remarkable rise of the Alternative for Germany party, which won almost 25 per cent of the vote in a state election in Saxony-Anhalt in March, almost beating Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats.
In France, meanwhile, Front National leader Marine Le Pen has been quick to exploit the wave of anger directed towards President Francois Hollande over his handling of the terror threat. Yesterday, commenting on the attack at Saint-Etienne-du Rouvray, she accused the entire French establishment, both Left and Right, of sharing “immense responsibility” for creating the circumstances in which Islamist terrorists can operate in France.
The prospect of Right-wing nationalists exercising real political power in France and Germany is one that even the most ardent Brexiteer will view with dismay.
But the longer Isil is able to maintain its terrorist offensive against Europe, then the more likely this becomes, especially if the fanatics continue to attack soft targets like the church selected in yesterday’s attack.
For all the Republic’s secularist pretensions, Catholicism remains part of France’s national identity, and the murder of an elderly priest is just the kind of attack that could provoke sectarian tensions of the sort we are more used to seeing in the Middle East, as opposed to the heart of Europe.
This is just the kind of political chaos Isil wants to create in Europe, which is why its political leaders must steer clear of this simple but deadly trap.

24 July 2016

Muslim Women's Network UK contribution to the Victoria Derbyshire Feature on Shariah Councils

Source: mass emailing

Check out this video on Shariah Councils on the Victoria Derbyshire Programme which was aired on the 11/07/2016.
Our Chair, Shaista Gohir is also featured. See video here.

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Feminist Dissent: Introducing Feminist Dissent Q&A

19 July 2016

A Letter to Ms. Leslie Jones

Dear Ms. Jones,
I do hope that the actress, Leslie Jones finds the support to press through her experiences of online harassment/trolling/attempts to silence and continue to marginalize women.

I do hope that she finds the legal assistance and protection that she needs to get through this.
I do hope that Ms. Jones will find a way through the fear and sadness and frustration to recognize this for what I believe it to be.

When any woman, and particular women of colour, disabled women and trans women simply joyously exists it is problematic for some….so problematic in fact that the response by some is to attempt to make that woman/woman of colour/trans woman/disabled woman experience of joyously living as uncomfortable as possible.

Press ahead, as your retreat will not stop the racist, patriarchal, misogyny that is fueling this overwhelmingly male rage.  Continue to occupy your space be it actress, activist, scientist, security analyst, gamer, politician or so very much more.  Find a security model for literally continuing on with your journey.  Find effective coping mechanism for continuing not just your journey but ensuring that yours is a journey with some joy.

Remember this is not just about you.  That each and every woman who is breaking through barriers is also a place keeper/holder.  And it is up to us to hold the place so that we may pass the baton onto to the next young woman/woman of colour/trans woman/disabled woman.

Go slow.  Stop when you need a respite, but do not let go of the space you occupy.  For behind you is another female, a young woman possibly of multiple intersecting identities who is the future.  And she is racing towards you with her hand extended outwards for the baton to continue on this relay race.

In Solidarity and in Sisterhood,

Debra V. Wilson

18 July 2016


Source:  http://www.macgillsummerschool.com/2016-programme/

4.00 pm (GMT+1)
Terrorism, both national and international, has been a fact of life for a very long time and history is peppered with terrible examples of the use of this kind of violence for political, religious or ideological aims. We have been witness to it here on our own small island and have to this day many shattered lives as witness. In recent times, for most people, the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11th, 2001 stands out as the most dramatic and most murderous even though the litany is long throughout the world, including Europe, of terrorist attacks claiming the lives of innocent people in places where they are simply going about their daily lives and are suddenly caught up in an event which kills or injures them or changes their lives forever. Terrorist atrocities are a fact of life in countries of the Middle East, Syria and Iraq in particular, but also in Europe and most recently on our own doorstep in Spain and France where, last November, 130 people were murdered and hundreds more injured in a Parisian theatre and nearby cafes as they relaxed on a Friday evening. This is today’s version of war and the fact that the perpetrators are from within the societies they want to destroy and are prepared to sacrifice themselves in the process makes of it a very difficult one to win, especially when they have a well funded state, Daesh or Islamic State, behind them. Can we defend ourselves against this new scourge and are the security forces in Europe well enough equipped and, more importantly, well enough co-ordinated, to combat this kind of threat?
Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan
Rob Wainwright, Director-General, Europol
Dr Paul Gill, Senior Lecturer in Security & Crime, University College London
Moderator: Gerry Foley, Western Correspondent UTV, former Political Editor for ITV at Westminster

Aswat Semiannual Newsletter / June 2016

Source:mass emailing

 2016 نشرة أصوات نصف السّنويّة/ حزيران 

Aswat Semiannual Newsletter / June 2016

We give you the Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women semiannual newsletter which highlights  the major activities and milestones of our work since the beginning of 2016.
نضع بين أيديكم/نّ نشرة "أصوات- نساء فلسطينيّات مثليّات" نصف السنويّة، التي تلقي الضّوء على أهمّ نشاطاتنا ومحطّات عملنا منذ بداية عام 2016 إلى اليوم.
                          ورشات تدريبيّة
Training Workshops         
Training Workshops

As part of our work with society and service providers, Aswat leads training workshops for school counselors, community center's social workers and for young activists' groups, in different areas of Palestine such as Naqab (in the South) , Nazareth, Sakhnin, Shafa-amr and Haifa. Our focus is on  focus is on LGBTQI youth and the important and needed work in providing an environment of sexual and gender diversity. In addition, the workshops focus on the necessity of playing  a leading role in designing a social atmosphere of pluralism and diversity.   Read More 

Youth Leadership Training
This year, and for the first time, Aswat led a training course for a group of young leaders (16-19 years old) in Nazareth.   Read More    
ورشات تدريبيّة

كجزءٍ من العمل مع المجتمع ومع مقدّمي الخدمات، قدّمت "أصوات" منذ مطلع العام 10 ورشات ولقاءات تدريبيّة لكلّ من المستشارات والعاملات في البيوت الدافئة، إضافة إلى مجموعات شبابية حقوقية في كل من بئر السبع، الناصرة، سخنين، شفاعمرو وحيفا. في هذه الورشات تمّ التركيز على جيل الشّباب وعلى دور مقدّمي/ات الخدمات الهامّ والمطلوب في توفير بيئة داعمة للتعدّدية الجنسيّة والجندريّة. كما وركّزت الورشات على أهمية تأدية دور فعّال في العمل على تصميم مناخ اجتماعيّ يدعم التعدّدية والاختلاف ويناهض التمييز والتنمّر.  إقرأ/ي المزيد  
اطلب/ي ورشة لمجموعاتك

دورة تدريب مجموعة قيادة شبابية 
نظّمتْ "أصوات" هذه السّنة، ولأوّل مرّة، دورة تدريب لمجموعة قيادة شبابيّة (16-19 عامًا) في منطقة الناصرة والمنطقة.   إقرأ/ي المزيد     
      محاضرات وندوات
 Talks and Lectures           
" Mawqef " Series

Throughout the "Mawqef" social forums, we showed 6 short documentaries titled "The Trials of Spring" by Gini Reticker at "Al-Mahatta"-Youth Cooperative in Haifa. The films followed  the stories of young female activists during  the Arab uprisings which began in 2011.  Read More 
سلسة ندوات "موقف"

ضمن سلسلة ندوات "موقف"، قمنا في شهر أيّار بعرض 6 أفلام وثائقية قصيرة بعنوان "عواصف الربيع" للمخرجة الأمريكية جيني ريتيك في "المحطة"- تعاونية شبابية في حيفا. استعرضت الأفلام قصص ناشطات شابات على خلفية الانتفاضات العربية التي اندلعت عام 2011. إقرأ/ي المزيد 
شاركت أصوات في المؤتمر السنوي للجنة وضع المرأة في مقر الامم المتحدة في نيويورك The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) وتعتبر لجنة وضع المرأة من أهم اللجان التي تعمل على اعداد التوصيات والتقارير من أجل تعزيز مكانة وحقوق المرأة في مجالات  السياسة والاقتصاد والحقوق المدنية والاجتماعية والتعليمية والجنسانية. ويشارك في المؤتمر السنوي المنعقد في نيويورك ممثلي دول وحكومات, كذلك منظمات نسوية وحقوقية وقد شاركت أصوات في تدريب للمرافعة الدولية وبالجلسات الخاصة في الامم المتحدة والتشبيك مع ناشطات وجمعيات اقليمية وعالمية.  وفي المؤتمر ال 60 شارك الوفد الفلسطيني, ولأول مرة,  بورقة موقف عن النساء الفلسطينيات حيث تمت المصادقة عليها مع اختتام المؤتمر.

من الجدير بالذكر أهمية المرافعة الدولية كالية للتغيير الاجتماعي من خلال الضغط على الحكومات لتعزيز وضمان حقوق جميع النساء وتعمل أصوات من خلال هذا المنبر لتعزيز مكانة النساء الفلسطينيات عامة والمثليات خاصة.

المشاركة في كتابة تقرير للجنة القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة (اتفاقية سيداو)

شاركت أصوات مع جمعيات نسوية وحقوقية فلسطينية في كتابة تقرير أولي للجنة المسؤولة عن القضاء على جميع أشكال التمييز ضد المرأة في الامم المتحدة. وقد شمل التقرير ولأول مرة انتهاكات حكومات اسرائيل لحقوق المثليين/ات الفلسطينيين /ات وفضح سياسات وممارسات التمييز في وزارة التربية والتعليم تجاه المدارس العربية في ما يتعلق بإدراج مضامين تتعلق بالتربية الجنسية الشمولية عامة والميول الجنسية والهوية الجندرية خاصة، مع الاشارة سياسات الغسيل الوردي كأجندة داخلية تهدف لرسم صورة نمطية عن الفلسطيني/ة المثلي/ة.
لقراءة التقرير
إضغطي هنا>> 

This year, Aswat took part in writing the CEDAW report – List of issues with other Palestinian Feminist and Human Rights organizations. For the first time the report includes clear reference to Israel's pinkwashing agenda and discriminative policies in implementing  Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Arab Palestinian schools in Israel. To read the report please click here>>

 مناهضة الغسيل الوردي
Pinkwashing exposed     

International radios interviews on boycotting the gay parade in Tel Aviv .  مقابلات في راديوهات دولّية حول عدم المشاركة في مسيرة الفخر في تل ابيب 
  On A Public Affair program with Karma Chevis                  Aswat on Swedish Radio SVERIGES RADIO
                                                 السويد                                                                                           الولايات المتّحدة                                                         

                  ملصقات 2016      
Stickers 2016
على ضوء ما تعرضت له أصوات والحراك التسوي والمثلي بشكل عام الى عدة محاولات لاسكاتها ونأيها عن عملها ونشاطها الاجتنماعي والسياسي كطلب ازالة توقيعها من بيان دعم وكذلك عددا من المقالات من قبل أفراد يدعون العلمية والمهنية ولهذا راينا اننا بحاجة الى حملة جديدة تضع أصوات وقضيتها في الحيز العام مجددا.

المعنيات/ معنيين بالحصول على الملصقات او أي مطبوعات اخرى التواصل معنا على ipcoordinator@aswatgroup.org
In light of what Aswat and the lesbian and feminist movement have faced in terms of attempts to silence and exclude them from their work and social and political activities – such as the demand of crossing out their sign from the support brochure, in addition to a number of articles written by individuals claiming to academic and professional background – we, in Aswat, have concluded that we need a new campaign that would put Aswat and its cause in the public domain again.
For those interested in receiving the posters or any of other print-outs, please contact us on ipcoordinator@aswatgroup.org

حفلات أصوات 
        Aswat Parties  

نظمت أصوات حفلتين في كباريت في حيفا، في العام 2016.
تفتح أصوات أبواب حفلاتها لكافة الهويات الجندرية والجنسية ولكل من ت/يرغب في قضاء وقت ممكن في بيئة تحترم الاختلاف وتحتفل به امن وممتع.
ندعوكن/م الى حفلة أصوات القادمة في كباريت يوم الثلاثاء 2 اب الساعة 21:00. لا تنسوا الموعد! 

Aswat organized 2 partis at Kabareet in Haifa. Aswat opens its parties to all sexual and gender identities and to everyone who wishes to dance and enjoy the night in an environment that respects and celebrates diversity in a safe and fun atmosphere. Our next party will be held at Kabareet on Tuesday, August 2th at 21:00.


حملة الكترونية للدعم المجتمعي
  Online crowdfunding campaign 

شكرا لكل من ساهم/ت في حلمة أصوات الإلكترونية للدعم المجتمعي ، الحملة مازالت مستمرة يمكن/م التبرع على  الرابط التالي
Thank you , to all home contributed and donated via Aswat's online fundraising campaign, the campaign is still on you can donate on this Campaign link


ترقبوا برنامج المقاومة من خلال الفن والثقافة لعام 2016 
Look forward to our Resistance Through Culture & Arts program  for 2016
معرض فني وجلسة حوارية مع الفنّانة ميادة عبود، في شهر آب 2016 .
Art exhibition and Talk with artist Mayada Abboud, opens in August 2016 .

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