19 July 2016

A Letter to Ms. Leslie Jones

Dear Ms. Jones,
I do hope that the actress, Leslie Jones finds the support to press through her experiences of online harassment/trolling/attempts to silence and continue to marginalize women.

I do hope that she finds the legal assistance and protection that she needs to get through this.
I do hope that Ms. Jones will find a way through the fear and sadness and frustration to recognize this for what I believe it to be.

When any woman, and particular women of colour, disabled women and trans women simply joyously exists it is problematic for some….so problematic in fact that the response by some is to attempt to make that woman/woman of colour/trans woman/disabled woman experience of joyously living as uncomfortable as possible.

Press ahead, as your retreat will not stop the racist, patriarchal, misogyny that is fueling this overwhelmingly male rage.  Continue to occupy your space be it actress, activist, scientist, security analyst, gamer, politician or so very much more.  Find a security model for literally continuing on with your journey.  Find effective coping mechanism for continuing not just your journey but ensuring that yours is a journey with some joy.

Remember this is not just about you.  That each and every woman who is breaking through barriers is also a place keeper/holder.  And it is up to us to hold the place so that we may pass the baton onto to the next young woman/woman of colour/trans woman/disabled woman.

Go slow.  Stop when you need a respite, but do not let go of the space you occupy.  For behind you is another female, a young woman possibly of multiple intersecting identities who is the future.  And she is racing towards you with her hand extended outwards for the baton to continue on this relay race.

In Solidarity and in Sisterhood,

Debra V. Wilson

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