05 July 2016

Political Movements: Black Lives Matter at Pride Toronto 2016

 CBC News's post.

"The parade re-started after Mathieu Chantelois, the executive director of Pride Toronto, signed a document with the group's demands.
Some of the other demands Chantelois agreed to are that the parade will no longer have police floats, and the organization will hold a public town hall with groups such as Black Lives Matter Toronto within six months."
The group said it is challenging what it called "Pride's anti-blackness."

Members of the Black Lives Matter Toronto group briefly halted the Pride parade today, holding up the marching for about 30 minutes. The parade re-started after…


“Apparently to some, our demands are "too radical/divisive." Look for yourselves fam #BlackPride”


By pretending that Toronto is just another racist hellhole, the protest group does not create a useful forum for…


Black Lives Matter Toronto, which was invited by Pride Toronto, brought the procession to…

"To be clear, we said, 'No floats. No police floats,'" Khan said. "But we have no desire to police the police in terms of whether they should actually be there or not when they're LGBTQ-identified."http://www.cbc.ca/.../black-lives-matter-pride-protest-1...

Black Lives Matter - Toronto
11 hrs
"If I had lost that moment, I would have been hurt because that's when I saw the world change for me and my people.
Of course, we still got a long way ahead of ...
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 13April2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8wXYAWu-ho...#

Having always listened to the words of Pride Toronto, on Tuesday April 13, 2010,…

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