07 March 2015

via Palestinian Mission UK : Bethlehem delegation visits Bath & London - 3rd-8th March

Source: mass emailing 

A trade delegation from Bethlehem will be visiting Bath, Bristol and London next week and is keen to meet anyone who may be interested in exploring potential import/export opportunities with the biblical birthplace of Jesus.

The visit is being arranged by the Bethlehem-Bath Links charity, with support from Business West and the London and Bath Chambers of Commerce.  The delegates arrive in Bath on Tuesday 3rd March for two days and then visit London for a series of meetings before heading back to Bethlehem on Sunday.


The delegation, led by Fayrouz Khoury from the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce (second from left), will exhibiting at the Bath Business Expo at the Assembly Rooms from 1000-1500 on Wednesday 4th March, where Bethlehem-Bath Links will have a stand. The Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, Prof Manual Hassassian, will be meeting the delegation at the Expo in the afternoon.

The delegates, who represent a range of business interests, would like to meet anyone interested in:

  • travelling to Palestine/Jordan/Israel with Golden Gate Tours of Bethlehem, which specialises in Holy Land tours and holidays to the region
  • importing olive and tea tree health and beauty products made by Raed Cosmetics      in Bethlehem, which are currently sold across the Middle East
  • importing hand-made designer aluminium jewellery from Bethlehem's Iyad Jewellery
  • exporting UK cosmetics or domestic cleaning products to Jala Care in Palestine
  • discussing trade or any other links with the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce
To meet the delegation at the Bath Business Expo please register for free entry and email megan@bethlehem-bath.com to register your interest

'OPEN BETHLEHEM' FILM + KEN LOACH - Wed 4th March - 6.30pm - Chapel Arts

On Wednesday 4th March there will be a public screening of the feature documentary   'Open Bethlehem' at Chapel Arts, with a Q&A with Ken Loach and the film's director Leila Sansour afterwards.Tickets £9/£7 from Chapel Arts or Bath Box Office on 01225 463362.

"One of the most remarkable and moving documentaries I have seen about this unreported story – the tragedy of the Palestinians encapsulated in the life of one family and one townJon Snow, Channel 4

BUSINESS WEST EVENT - Thursday 5th March - 1000-1230

Business West will be holding a welcome event for the delegation at Leigh Court in Bristol on Thursday 5th from 1000-1230.  Any West Country companies interested in arranging an informal meeting with the delegation to discuss potential import/export opportunities are invited to attend by emailing sarah.hildersley@businesswest.co.uk


Joining the Bethlehem company directors on their UK visit will be 24 year old Maysa Alshaer, who won the recent 'Young Palestinian Entrepreneur' competition sponsored by Bethlehem-Bath Links and Wataniya Mobile.

Maysa's greetings card company has proved such a success that she has received interest from Egypt and other Middle Eastern counties, so she is looking to scale up her business to meet demand. The University of Bath Innovation Centre will be giving Maysa one to one entrepreneurial advice while she is in Bath and further online support when she is back in her home town of Jenin in Palestine.

If any greetings card or design companies would like to invite Maysa to visit their businesses in Bath, Bristol or London during her visit to the UK, please email megan@bethlehem-bath.com


Sponsorship of the delegation's visit is available.
Benefits include displaying your company banners at the Bath Business Expo, the Business West event and the screening of the 'Open Bethlehem' film at Chapel Arts with Ken Loach,including a verbal thank you on the night and complimentary tickets. For further details please email megan@bethlehem-bath.com.

Alternatively please kindly make a donation at www.justgiving.com/b-bl

or post a cheque made payable to 'Bethlehem-B&NES Links' to:
Kieran Fitzpatrick
Bethlehem-Bath Links
30 Gay Street
Bath BA1 2PA
or email peter@bethlehem-bath.com for further details.
A gift aid form for UK taxpayers can be downloaded HERE.  This can increase the value of donatons by 25%
Your support would be very much appreciated
Copyright © 2015 Bethlehem-Bath Links Ltd, All rights reserved.

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