15 March 2015

Huffington Post: Anti-Terror Bill: 10 Powerful Photos From The #StopC51 Protests

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/03/14/anti-terror-bill-c51-protest_n_6870930.html?1

Anti-Terror Bill: 10 Powerful Photos From The #StopC51 Protests

Posted: Updated: 

Thousands of Canadians across the country showed their displeasure with the Conservativegovernment's proposed anti-terror bill Saturday.
As part of the National Day of Action Against Bill C-51, protesters carried signs reading messages such as "Stop Harper," while others taped their mouths shut.
The contentious bill was introduced by the Harper government in January, and has since been widely criticized by politicians and the public alike. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has stated it gives the government too much spying capability, and others have called it anti-democratic.
Earlier this month, privacy czar Daniel Therrien said the bill was "clearly excessive" in its mandate.
The Conservative government has been widely promoting the bill, which seeks to give the CSIS the power to disrupt terror plots, expand no-fly list powers and track terrorist propaganda.
Here are some powerful moments from the demonstrations in cities including Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto.
1. Opposition through silence:
c51 protest
2. Throngs of people covered the area surrounding Parliament in Ottawa:
3. Watchful eyes spy on protesters:
bill c51
4. Hundreds gathered in downtown Vancouver:
anti terror bill protest
5. A choice quote from this Toronto protester:
6. A child in Montreal:
bill c51
7. "This is what democracy looks like."
8. Handcuffed in Toronto:
bill c51
9. #ActivismIsNotTerrorism.
10. Getting creative with protest signs:

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