27 August 2014

Shin Bet: Monthly Summary - July 2014

Source: http://www.shabak.gov.il/English/EnTerrorData/Reports/Pages/Monthlysummary–July2014.aspx

Monthly summary – July 2014
Operation Protective Edge has taken place in the Gaza Strip in July 2014 (as of July 7). The operation was launched in response to high trajectory rocket barrages from the Gaza Strip against Israel that included approximately 300 rockets and mortar shells. This was in contrary to 65 rockets and mortars fired in whole of June. Since the beginning of the operation up until late July, 2,622 rockets and mortars were fired against Israel. Most of them reached the area surrounding the Gaza Strip (circa 66%, 1,733 items) (a range of up to 20km), and about a quarter (25.5%, 688 items) reached a medium range of up to 50km. Less than 10% of all the launchings were long ranged: circa 6.9% (181 items) with a range of up to 80km, reached Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area, Jerusalem, the Negev, Hadera and northern Israel, and 1.2% (32 items) with a range of more than 80km. Also, 24 rockets were launched from the Sinai against Israel. Other salient terrorist attacks against Israel included 6 infiltrations into Israel, 1 explosive tunnel attack, 3 suicide attacks, and dozens of sniper, AT, IED and hand grenade attacks.
64 people were killed and 312 were injured in July. 3 of the fatalities were civilians: 2 Israelis and 1 foreign worker, died as a result of high trajectory fire that reached Erez Crossing (July 15), an area near the city of Dimona (July 19), and the area surrounding the Gaza Strip (July 23). 61 IDF soldiers were killed in July: 24 in a collision, 13 from IED attacks, 12 as a result of mortar shells that also fell in assembly areas outside the Gaza Strip, 6 from AT launching, and 6 from shooting (including sniper attacks).
There has been a sharp increase in attacks and riots in Judea and Samaria and in Jerusalem. The operation in Gaza came with an added tension of the murder of Palestinian boy Muhammad Abu Khdeir from Shuafat (July 2). In that regard, Judea and Samaria had a record of 424 attacks in July as opposed to 89 in June, and 83 in Jerusalem as opposed to 11 in May and June.
4 Israelis were injured in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem: 3 civilians and 1 Israeli security officer. 2 of them (a female civilian and a soldier) were injured by an IED throwing near Shuafat / Jerusalem (July 2) and Beit Omar / Hebron (July 20); one civilian was shot at Rehalim junction / Samaria (July 22); and a female civilian was injured by a firebomb near Beitar / Judea (July 14).

Data regarding terror attacks in July 2014
Following is a regional distribution of attacks: 1,643 attack from the Gaza Strip (36 in June); 424 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (89 in June); 83 attacks in Jerusalem (11 in June); 9 from Sinai (none in June).

Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed in July 459 out of 507 were in the form of firebombs (June: 71 out of 100).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in July 2014 according to regions:

The Gaza Strip – 1,643 attacks: 1,473 rockets and mortar shells launching; 76 sniper and small arms shooting; 64 AT; 18 IED; 6 infiltration into Israel ; 3 suicide; 2 hand grenade ; 1 explosive tunnel.

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 507 attacks: 35 IED (5 in Jerusalem); 13 small arms shootings (1 in Jerusalem); 459 firebombs (77 in Jerusalem).

Sinai – 9 attacks: rockets launching

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza Strip and Sinai

Throughout July 2014 2,859 rockets and mortar shells were launched** from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, and 24 rockets were launched** from Sinai. In June: 62 rockets and 3 mortar shell in 34 attacks from the Gaza Strip.

**Clarification: The number of launchings is the number of rockets/mortar shells actually launched during one high-trajectory fire attack. For example: one attack may include a salvo of three launchings, that is, three rockets/ mortar shells, and so it will be counted as one attack and three launchings.

Monthly summary – July 2014 docx.pdf

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