28 August 2014

RCMP Partners with the NWAC and AFN on Awareness Campaign - Posters

Source: http://www.grc.gc.ca/news-nouvelles/2014/08-06-posters-docs-affiches-eng.htm

RCMP Partners with the NWAC and AFN on Awareness Campaign - Posters

More information

Family Violence Poster

A woman seated on a bed with a baby in fear. In the foreground, the arm and fist of a man.PDF Version – Family Violence Poster
Sometimes… home is where the hurt is. Physical – Sexual – Threats. Don't keep family violence a secret. Help IS available. Talk to a person you trust. Report incidents of violence to your local police.

Missing Persons Poster #1

A car is parked on a deserted dirt road. On the ground, a cell phone, dropped by someone.PDF Version – Missing Persons Poster #1
Haven't heard from her? Don't wait to act. Report a missing person immediately. Report it to your local police.

Missing Persons Poster #2

A park with a close up of a park bench. On the bench, a cell phone has been left behind.PDF Version – Missing Persons Poster #2
When someone is missing, every detail is important. Your tip could help bring a loved one home. Report what you know to your local police or Crime Stoppers.

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