04 August 2014

Saying Good-Bye to My City/My Country Again. And Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

I'm back in Chicago, my birth place. It is good to again be around proper talking/proper acting Black women.

Of late I've encountered a slew of violent black females. This is a welcomed returned to normalcy.

And there are gay Black men here.... not gay males that chase after women shouting, ""sunshine."

My days here in the USA are numbered. In fact they have been for a while.

I'm returning to study and researching. God willing in another country.

And I continue to recall that day that my life changed forever...the day....

I loathe the day I ever "met" the mind numbing racist, sexist and fear based FBI agents.

No, Mr. President they are not patriots and they are not loyal.

The FBI agents I have encountered hired a black female who attempted to seduce me.

These are the same agents who hired a black female at my job who said she was in agreement with the FBI on the limited intellectualism of Black people.

These are the same FBI agents who instructed a CBP officer at O'Hare to speak to me in Ebonics. And these are the same FBI agents who hired an Afghan born flight attendant to call Black and Hispanic Americans dirty and lazy.

I've heard Mr. President that you and your administration have chosen to ignore the race issue in American and with rare exceptions you have.

Must be nice to have that luxury. It is a luxury I am acutely unfamiliar with.

Mr. President, I'll leave as I came into the World through Chicago.


Debra V. Wilson

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