01 March 2018

Results are in! CIJA's 2018 Grassroots Consultation

Source: mass emailing
From: Steve McDonald <info@cija.ca>
Date: 1 March 2018 at 15:50:19 GMT-6
Subject: Results are in! CIJA's 2018 Grassroots Consultation


Dear Debra V.,
As a member of our community, your priorities are our priorities. Our advocacy work will simply not succeed without a passionate, engaged, and active community to guide our efforts.
That's why we recently hosted our annual grassroots consultation in twelve cities across the country. Our goal was to hear directly from our community about the issues that matter most.
I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in our Winnipeg consultation. Your input – and that of community members across the country – is crucial in determining what CIJA's priorities will be for the coming year. Our work would not be possible without your valuable contribution. So, again, thank you!
One of the biggest takeaways for me was a reminder of the energy, dedication, and thoughtfulness of our community. Despite a healthy diversity of opinion, a number of key themes emerged across the country. In no particular order, here are the top five:
Click here to view the local results and see how your city compares nationally.
It's clear we are united in our desire to ensure the next generation of Jewish Canadians has a secure future in this great country. In every city, we met passionate community members – like you – who shared opinions, offered observations, and provided us with insights that will guide our work in the coming year.
If you have any suggestions that might improve future consultations, I'd love to hear from you.
I hope to will join us again in 2019.
Warm regards,
Steve McDonald
Director, Policy and Strategic Communications
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

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