31 March 2018

Mosaic Hosts "2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict"

From: "The Mosaic Institute" <info@mosaicinstitute.ca>
Date: 28 November 2014 14:25:15 GMT-6
Subject: The Mosaic Dispatch - Fall 2014
Reply-To: info@mosaicinstitute.ca

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The Mosaic Dispatch - Fall 2014
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Mosaic Hosts "2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict"

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On Saturday, November 15, the Mosaic Institute hosted its 2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict, a day-long student conference exploring a myraid of issues relating to the particular ways in which armed conflicts impact women and girls, and what they are doing about it. The event featured a stellar line-up of distinguished speakers on such topics as gender-based violence in wartime, diaspora women confronting conflict, and the perspectives of  women in combat roles.  The day also featured a special focus on Canada's missing and murdered aboriginal women in order to emphasize that confronting systemic violence against women and girls - like conflict itself - is a truly global challenge.

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