02 March 2018

January 2018 - February 2018 Newsletter Isha L'Isha

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From: Isha L'Isha Haifa Feminist Center <isha.haifa@gmail.com>
Date: 2 March 2018 at 14:05
Subject: January - February Newsletter Isha L'Isha

Book launch event!
Amia Livlich, launched her new book Voice: New Poverty in Israel.
Participated in the event: Hadas Vaisman, Hava Rimon, Ruti Gur and Hannah Safranز

Widowhood is a topic abundant with stereotypes, myths and misunderstandings. The event revolved around the rebuilding of the identity of a widow, show how support can help widows become stronger, and how we can move forward in life, even after losing a loved one.
We thank Dr. Orna Raz for coming and talking to us and everyone who came.

Art by: Martine Ehrhart
Rivka Lobitz discussed her book "From the End of the World till its' End" at Isha L'Isha.
Rabbi Rivka talks about the ordeal women go through who are not granted a divorce in beth din, women who are have their conversion to Judaism procedure abolish, and many other women who suffer in the process of gaining a just verdict in the religious court. 


Discussing Kinneret Lahad and Daphna Hacker's books

Talking about Keneret Lahad and Dafna Haker's books at Haifa Feminist Institute!

Lahad's book "A Table for One – a Critical Reading of Singlehood, Gender and Time", is the first book to examine the deep relation between social perceptions to singlehood. Lahad develops a theory which analyses how perceptions of time plays a crucial role in representing female singlehood, alongside analyzing several social norms that are connected to age and time.

Dafna Haker' book "Legalized Families in the Era of Bordered Globalization" examines the reciprocal relations between globalization, borders, families and legislation. Hacker examines the roles of international, multinational and religious laws and their role in shaping the lives of millions of families who were affected by the challenges and opportunities that were created due to globalization and cultural and national borders.

We thank Yali Hashash, Sarai Aharoni, Maha Karkabi Sabbah And Arian Ronen Brazelai for reviewing and discussing the books.
ה-4/2 הוא יום הסרטן הבינלאומי, אנו משתפות פוסט זה על מנת להזכיר ולזכור את הנשים חולות הסרטן החיות בעזה ומעוכבות במשך חודשים מכניסה לישראל על מנת לקבל עזרה וטיפול
בחודשים האחרונים הצטרפנו ליוזמה עם רופאים לזכויות אדם וארגונים נוספים לפעול על מנת לאפשר לנשים הללו להיכנס ולקבל את הטיפול לו הן זקוקות ועל מנת להנכיח ולהזכיר כי הן קיימות
4.2 هو يوم السرطان العالمي، نشارككم هذا المنشور لنتذكر ان الكثير من النساء اللواتي يعانين من مرض السرطان في غزة يمنعن من الدخول الى اسرائيل لتلقي العلاج. انضمت جمعية امراة لامراة الى المبادرة مع اطباء لحقوق الانسان ومنظمات اخرى، لتمكينهن من الدخول لتلقي العلاج، من   اجل التذكير بوجودهن وحضورهن
4\2 Was World Cancer Day. We are sharing this to remember and remind everyone of the ill women in Gaza who have not been granted an entry permit to Israel in order to receive treatment.
We are working together with Physicians for Human Rights and other organizations in order to allow them to receive the treatment they need and remind the world they exist. 

Haifa LGBT History Project partnered with Isha L'Isha and Haifa Feminist Institute to discuss queer history.
We had fascinating talks and lectures with amazing individuals!
A big thank you to everyone who came!
Please see photos from the event by pressing on this link: https://tinyurl.com/ycuk64sj


How can I be a healthy role model for a healthy sexuality?
Should we really ask for permission before we give hugs?
How much information should we provide to children and in which ages?
How do I even bring up the courage to discuss these issues with my children?
The course is for mothers with children around the ages of 2-8, the course will provide information about sexuality, proper development, and dilemmas in raising today's children.
To sign up, please send an email to:
The meetings will be held in Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center.
Dates: 7.3 - 14.3 - 21.3 - between 20:00 till 21:30
Open Saturday
As tradition goes, we are having an Open Saturday at Isha L'Isha – Haifa Feminist Center, 10.3.2018.
We invite you to come, talk, meet, mingle and listen!
Please bring a vegetarian or vegan food for a joint lunch.

From 9:30 – 17:00
Link to the event

Veganism and feminism!
What is the connection between the two?
Join us for a talk about oppression, food and rights.
8.3.2018, 19:30 at Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center
Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1562758653844970/

Haifa, are you ready for the coolest party in town on International Women's Day?
We invite you to dance and sing with the coolest feminists in Haifa, at Communities Home For Tolerance and Pride!
Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/151601288846544/

For Donations
Copyright © 2017 Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:


Isha L'Isha--Haifa Feminist Center · 118 Arlozorov St. · Haifa 33276 · Israel

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