31 March 2018

Daniel Tauber and Jacques Myard about security amid Palestine vote

Mosaic Hosts "2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict"

From: "The Mosaic Institute" <info@mosaicinstitute.ca>
Date: 28 November 2014 14:25:15 GMT-6
Subject: The Mosaic Dispatch - Fall 2014
Reply-To: info@mosaicinstitute.ca

Mosaic Newsletter Template
The Mosaic Dispatch - Fall 2014
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Mosaic Hosts "2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict"

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On Saturday, November 15, the Mosaic Institute hosted its 2014 Citizen Summit on Women & Armed Conflict, a day-long student conference exploring a myraid of issues relating to the particular ways in which armed conflicts impact women and girls, and what they are doing about it. The event featured a stellar line-up of distinguished speakers on such topics as gender-based violence in wartime, diaspora women confronting conflict, and the perspectives of  women in combat roles.  The day also featured a special focus on Canada's missing and murdered aboriginal women in order to emphasize that confronting systemic violence against women and girls - like conflict itself - is a truly global challenge.

Justin Trudeau's cabinet

Edgware Road: Walking in freedom


December 2017 Newsletter - Isha L'Isha

Source: mass emailing
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From: Isha L'Isha Haifa Feminist Center <isha.haifa@gmail.com>
Date: 23 December 2017 at 12:19
Subject: December Newsletter - Isha L'Isha

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Isha L'Isha is one of the leading organizers for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women March in Haifa.

You can find photos from the March by pressing on this link

What is socialist feminism and how can it fight sexual violence?

We had an interesting talk about socialist feminism and its' role in fighting sexual violence.
The talk was organized by the leader of the Socialist Movement Fight. 
A glimpse of what our Bazaar looked like!

We had an amazing time at the bazaar we held in the beginning of December.
We would like to thank the company comme il faut for donating clothes, and all the women who had donated clothing items, and volunteered preparing the bazaar, selling and dismantling!

We would also like to thank everyone who came!

All profits from this event were donated to Isha L'Isha-Haifa Feminist Center and support the center in its various work fields, such as: supporting and assisting trafficking and prostitution survivors, writing position papers, groups to raise awareness concerning feminist issues, lectures and workshops, maintain our archive, library and of course the research center and much more.

For more photos:


What do our maids talk about us? How does a woman become a maid? How does she survive in a house which is not her, supports her family, and raises children?

Rachel Sagi is organizing a series of fascinating meetings with women who would like to have their voices heard. They speak of their stories openly, harshly, painfully, and something, even comically.
How do they see Israeli society, from the North and South and religious and secular, and working in houses of families who are different from each other? 

Artist: André da Loba

Feminism and Motherhood 

One of the most challenging issues to deal with as feminists is motherhood. If you are also thinking about your experience as a mother, your relations with others and have thoughts which you want to share but don't know with whom, we invite you to join a new group called "Feminist moms", we will meet once a month, on Tuesdays, at Isha L'Isha, Arlozorov 118, Haifa.
For more information you can contact Netaa': 0547719839
By: Active Stills 

An op-ed written by our chair person Osnat Lahat on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.


#MeToo movement named Time magazine's Person of the Year 

Magazine celebrates anti-harassment movement by naming 'The Silence Breakers' on its cover after millions shared stories of sexual assault.

Source:  https://tinyurl.com/y7kafu5g
Dear friends, Haifa Feminist Institute would like to ask for your help in searching for texts or interviews concerning Arab women, in order to print and include them in their archive.
*You can send\deliver the texts anonymously.

To send the texts or for more information please contact:

You're also welcome to watch our own Hannah Safran talking about the First and only Feminist archive in Israel

Last talk of the year at Isha L'Isha with the poet/writer/activist Stephen Burt who is going to discuss literature, poetry, gender and comic books!
The discussion will be held in English.
31.12.2017, 18:00, Isha L'Isha-Haifa Feminist Center-Arlozorov 118, Haifa
For Donations
Copyright © 2017 Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:


Isha L'Isha--Haifa Feminist Center · 118 Arlozorov St. · Haifa 33276 · Israel

Isolated Israel? French Resolution Recognises Palestinian State (part 2)

Jeremy Corbyn | Passover 2018

25 March 2018

Postgraduate Study in Belfast, Northern Ireland

LSE WPS April events featuring Christine Bell, Aisling Swaine & Laura J. Shepherd

Subject: LSE WPS April events featuring Christine Bell, Aisling Swaine & Laura J. Shepherd

New events from the Centre for Women Peace and Security
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The Centre for Women, Peace and Security is an academic space for scholars, practitioners, activists, policy-makers and students to develop strategies to promote justice, human rights and participation for women in conflict-affected situations around the world.
Public events are open to all with no ticket required, unless otherwise stated.
LSE campus map


From Transitional to Transformative: justice for conflict-related violence against women

Speakers: Christine Bell; Aisling Swaine
Chair: Christine Chinkin

Monday 23 April, 6.30-8pm

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, LSE

'Conflict-related violence against women' is often understood to mean sexual violence, specifically rape used as a weapon of war. But this is only one part of a broad continuum of gender violence which must be understood and addressed within and across conflict settings. This event, launching Conflict-Related Violence Against Women: Transforming Transition by Aisling Swaine, will explore the proposition that a transformation rather than a transition is required in the aftermath of conflict, if justice is to play a role in preventing gender violence. Read more

Countering Violence, Countering Extremism: the WPS agenda in service of countering violent extremism

Laura J. ShepherdSpeaker: Laura J. Shepherd
Chair: Paul Kirby
Friday 27 April, 6.30-8pm

Wolfson Theatre, LSE 


The most recent resolution in the Women, Peace and Security architecture, UN Security Council Resolution 2242, raised the possibility of alignment with the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) agenda at the UN and beyond. In this event, Laura J. Shepherd will examine the articulation of prevention in the context of UN counter-terrorism efforts and the WPS agenda, in order to understand how the alignment of WPS and CVE agendas became possible, and to explore the likely implications. Read more.

Latest from the LSE WPS blog and Working Paper Series 
Where are reproductive rights in the WPS Agenda? - this blog post by Claire Pierson and Jennifer Thomson introduces the latest in the LSE WPS Working Paper Series 'Abortion and Reproductive Rights in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda'.

Keep in touch via Twitter and Facebook for latest news. 

Copyright © 2015 The London School of Economics and Political Science, All rights reserved.

GOV.UK update – Statement on the sentencing of Ahed Tamimi

Source: mass emailing

Minister for the Middle East, Alistair Burt has released a statement on the sentencing of Palestinian teenager, Ahed Tamimi, to 8 months imprisonment.
11:16am, 23 March 2018: First published.

Sinn Féin United Ireland Conference in London - 24 Mar 2018