05 October 2015

The RCMP seeks your help to bring our Aboriginal women and girls home via Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Source: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/rcmp-seeks-your-help-bring-our-aboriginal-women-and-girls-home

The RCMP seeks your help to bring our Aboriginal women and girls home

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is looking for your help in solving outstanding cases of missing Aboriginal women. For 10 days in October, we will highlight specific cases of missing Aboriginal women and girls across Canada via social media who are featured on the Canada's Missing website.
Now in its third year, the campaign will run from October 5th until October 14th, 2015. The RCMP will share information on these women's cases on its Facebook and Twitter accounts. The month of October was chosen to coincide with the Sisters in Spirit Vigil held by the Native Women's Association of Canada each October 4th. Each case on the Canada's Missing website is profiled with a poster that provides information about the missing individual and the circumstances of the case and can be printed for distribution.
How the public can help:
This initiative is an opportunity for communities across the country to be involved by sharing information that may generate tips for the investigating officers. With the public's help we hope to bring these women and girls home.
In June, the RCMP released an Update to its 2014 National Operational Overview on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, the most comprehensive and accurate account to date of missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada. This update found that Aboriginal women continue to be overrepresented among Canada's murdered and missing women. This issue has become a priority for the RCMP, as we serve over 600 Aboriginal communities across Canada.
The RCMP also introduced its National Missing Persons Strategy in September of 2014, which standardized the investigative process. A revised Missing Persons Policy has incorporated investigative best practices and establishes mandatory communication schedules with families.

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