11 October 2015

The Mosaic Institute: Ami Ayalon - The Gatekeeper - 01 March 2013

via the Mosaic Institute:

In the late winter of 2013, with the aim of fostering dialogue between and among Canadians of Jewish and Arab background, the Mosaic Institute brought retired Israeli Admiral Ami Ayalon to Toronto for a program centred around the then-imminent release of the Oscar®-nominated documentary film The Gatekeepers. From 1996 to 2000, Admiral Ayalon had directed the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, and he and several other former directors of that organization are prominently featured in the film. Over breakfast on March 1, Ayalon spoke to a small group of community leaders and friends of the Institute at the National Club in downtown Toronto. This podcast features highlights from Admiral Ayalon's remarks that morning. The narrator is John Monahan, Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute.


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