20 October 2015

The Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba will be hosting a general membership meeting (all welcome) to discuss body shaming and the larger women's experiences of conception, pregnancy, and birth.

"The Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba will be hosting a general membership meeting (all welcome) to discuss body shaming and the larger women's experiences of conception, pregnancy, and birth. We will also be voting on a resolution on access to healthcare for women with disablilities.

 Deborah McPhail is an Assistant Professor in Community Health Sciences, nil-appointed in Environment & Geography, and adjunct in Disability Studies. A critical health scholar who studies the social aspects of “obesity,” Dr. McPhail's interdisciplinary work has been published in such journals as Health and Place and Social Science & Medicine. Dr. McPhail obtained a PhD in Women’s Studies from York University in 2010. Her doctoral dissertation, a feminist history of obesity discourse in twentieth-century Canada, is in press with the University of Toronto Press. Dr. McPhail's current work focuses on the interplay among obesity discourse, social inequalities and women’s and transpeople’s reproductive health, with particular emphases on issues of health equity and healthcare access. Currently, she heads a nationally funded (CIHR) study exploring the experiences of women who have been labelled "obese" and their interactions with the healthcare system while conceiving a child, while pregnant, and/or while giving both. In Dr. McPhail's talk tonight, she will present the results of a pilot study that preceded this national study, which showed a high degree of body shaming and stigma levelled against women that reproductive healthcare workers regarded as "too large" and "unfit" to bear children."

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