28 October 2015

Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: Health & Healthcare–Who’s Responsible? - 03 Nov2015

Among the speakers at the Taub Center's International Conference – MKמאיר כהן - Meir Cohen, who sits on the Knesset's Labor, Welfare and Health Committee; Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Director General of the Ministry of Health; Prof. Larry Brown of Columbia University; Prof. Yonatan Halevi, Director of Shaare Zedek Medical Center Jerusalem / המרכז הרפואי שערי צדקr; and many more distinguished speakers. It's not too late to register!

The Taub Center’s Herbert M. Singer Conference Series

Muslim Council of Britain at the Home Affairs Select Committee on Countering Extremism

Feminism in London Conference 2015 closing speech

Source: https://finnmackay.wordpress.com/speeches/feminism-in-london-conference-2015-closing-speech/

Feminism in London Conference 2015 closing speech

Thank you and congratulations to all the organisers of this conference on what you have achieved and what you have done for women. Please join me in a round of applause showing our generosity and awe.

This year has been marked for many of us by the passing of another one of our Amazon sisters, another woman gone too soon. A feminist who has spoken here at our own Feminism in London conference many times. Denise Marshall, the founder of Eaves Housing for Women and so many other amazing projects for the most marginalised women in our country, women whose voices Denise ensured were heard. A proud legacy that will live on.

It is customary in some circles to suggest a minute’s silence for those we have lost, but I wouldn’t suggest a minute’s silence for this Amazon. More fitting would be a minute of noise, two minutes of speaking out, ten minutes of taking back, an hour of righteous rage, days of activism, a life of resistance. Just as Denise lived.

Too many of our feminist pioneers leave this world too soon and we can honour them in no greater way than by continuing their work and continuing to win for women. Those of you inspired by what you have heard and learned here today can join us again, here in London on Saturday the 28th November for the national women’s Reclaim the Night march against rape, sexual harassment and all forms of male violence against women. The revived protest has been marching annually now for ten years. And every year, women still get in touch to say that Reclaim the Night is the only time they feel they can walk safely through their city, that it is the only time they can shout and express all the things they wanted to say at every individual incidence of harassment or threat but did not feel able to do so alone. This is the anger that can be expressed collectively, where it can become restorative and constructive when it is used in its natural conclusion and that is the Women’s Liberation Movement.
It has been another important year for our Movement, another year of very visible feminist commentary and debate as well as public protest and specific feminist actions against the ideological Tory cuts that the media like to refer to as ‘austerity’. The anti-state, anti-society and anti-social ideology of the Conservatives threatens us all, and their policies always push out the most marginalised first. This is a feminist issue.

It is a feminist issue when none of our brave legacy of Rape Crisis Centres have secure funding beyond March next year. It is a feminist issue when there is an estimated 30% shortfall in necessary spaces in women’s refuges for those fleeing abuse. At a time when calls to these services have never been higher. It is a feminist issue that this Government proposes up to a further 45% of cuts in adult education, stopping mainly women returners and mothers and carers from accessing education at all. This is a feminist issue. It is a feminist issue when our Prime Minister says we have no room for refugees fleeing war in their countries, wars, incidentally in which our own involvement is somewhat suspect, while welcoming with open arms, the international arms dealers to the Defence and Security Equipment International Conference here in the Docklands in London, just last month, the world’s largest arms fair. This is a feminist issue. It is a feminist issue when women are forced out of low paid caring work and into caring work for no pay in the home, because our state welfare services which women rely on disproportionately are being decimated, because the removal of tax credits will turn what was often already poor pay, into poverty pay.

This is what David Cameron means when he talks of the ‘Big Society’. He doesn’t mean lively communities supporting one another or a healthy and just society because, like Thatcher before him, he doesn’t believe in society. He believes in isolated individuals looking after themselves, whatever the cost in lives lost or faltered, just as long as there is no bill to the state.

These are feminist issues and it is right and proper that feminists are making up the backbone of the rising anti-austerity movements, we need to make sure that women are also at the front of those movements, and not solely, as they so often are, making up the most numbers in supportive roles behind the scenes. Let men support women’s leadership for a change, let our brothers promote women as media spokespeople and press officers because our resistance is surely one place where we should indeed be: all in it together.

All Social Movements go through stages, and movements that have been around long enough often repeat different phases and stages; ours is no exception. In the past our Movement went through a period of introspection, it went through phases where it turned inwards, where the positive and necessary process of self-reflection and self-critique became something closer to self-destruction. Yes, our Movement is one of, if not the most, self-critical of Social Justice Movements and we need to work out a way of maintaining that progressive and healthy tradition, while not consuming ourselves in the process. Because another known stage in the movement of Social Movements is burn out, burn out of individual activists or whole groups and networks and that benefits nothing but the stagnant status-quo. If we are to change things, we have to keep moving forward and we can only do that together. Because the clue is in the name, we are a social Movement. The Women’s Liberation Movement is collective, it should build and sustain solidarity, a Movement is not a movement of one or two individuals, it is not won by isolated success for one or two individuals, it is a movement of many.
But we are in a tricky position, like all social movements, because we do not exist in a vacuum. We are socialised into and affected by the very prejudices and oppressions that our Movement exists to challenge. And we know of course, that we do not just need to challenge such oppressions out there in the wider world, we also need to challenge them here, inside our own movement. And we also know, of course, that the first step in this process is always challenging those prejudices inside ourselves. But the process of this reflection has to have a purpose, and that purpose is to ensure that we don’t do to others what has been done to us, so that we can grow our Movement. That we don’t stereotype others as we have been stereotyped, so that we can grow our Movement. That we don’t exclude others as we have been excluded, so that we can grow our Movement.

Because the personal is political was never meant to mean our personal differences  becoming our sole politics. Our differences were never meant to become dividing lines of battle between us. Intersectionality was never meant to mean dissection of ourselves or our Sisters or our Movement.
It is a fact that some women are affected more harshly by patriarchy than others, it is a fact that oppression is not equal opportunities. Each woman has a different vantage point on the workings of patriarchy. This means that collectively, together, between us we have a bigger picture, we have the whole picture when we are whole. When we are whole we have the knowledge necessary to take patriarchy apart piece by piece, starting where it is most needed, starting where there are inroads, starting where change has already got a foothold and breaking in where it has not, starting where there are cracks and leaving no woman behind.

This is our challenge remember, this is what we are about. Women’s Liberation is serious, it is revolutionary, we are not tinkering around the edges here, we are not interested in leaving a brutal and backward system intact, we don’t want equality with inequality.

One of the ways we get there is through our own activism and through our activism together as women, is through women-only space. Because we are not our own worst enemy, because we are not each other’s enemies, because it is a lie that women cannot work together, one of the many lies told to hold us back. But we are not fools, we look through the herstory of our Movement and we know that women-only space is a tried and tested method of activism from which great ideas have grown. From small meetings in kitchens and playgroups and community centres sprung Women’s Aid, sprung Rape Crisis, and came the political theory which our Movement was built upon and still rests.

This conference grew out of London Feminist Network and the first tiny conference we had in 2004, a day to reflect on women’s rights in London. We were in a small community centre near Kings Cross with displays on my old television and a VHS player, believe it or not. We had a discussion groups with speakers from the National Assembly Against Racism, from Abortion Rights, from CND and the Women’s Peace Movement, we had workshops on benefits advice. From those beginnings of about 20 women, we now have this. The largest feminist conference since the 1996 International conference in Brighton on women’s citizenship and one of the largest to be held in the country since the days of the national Women’s Liberation Conferences in the 1970s. Who said that women could not work together. The good news is that our Movement is on the rise. Look around you and know that we are already winning.

Every group that you are involved in, every petition you sign, every book you share, every event you organise, every march you take part in, every time you speak out in your other liberation groups or take a lead in your Trade Union or political organisation. These are the acts that revolutions are made of.

See you at Reclaim the Night.

Taster Seminar on Gender, Anthropology Virtual Classroom, SOAS University of London

27 October 2015

Habtom Zarhum's memorial via TLV1 Radio

TLV1's Laragh Widdess attended the memorial for Habtom Zarhum in Levinsky Park, Tel Aviv. She spoke to Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers, and the volunteers who work with them, about their struggles here in Israel and how this tragedy has affected them.
Hear more at www.tlv1.fm
Habtom Zarhum was a 29-year-old Eritrean man who was shot and lynched in Be'er Sheva Central Bus Station, having been mistaken for a terrorist.

‎Haifa Feminist Institute مركز حيفا النسوي للدراسات מרכז מחקר פמיניסטי חיפה‎

Workshop: The Tree of Muslim Life via Inclusive Mosque Initiative - 31 Oct 2015 in London, England

Trees reach upwards and outwards. They look to the sky.
We have an event coming up this weekend. Here's a wee blurb about it:
The Tree of Muslim Life workshop is a creative and unique workshop that uses the metaphor of the tree to collectively explore our lives as Muslims. Through writing, drawing, and talking together the workshop will explore the roots or our Muslim identity; our cultural, familial, emotional, and theoretical roots. We'll look at what challenges we face together living our lives as Muslims and how we can support each other to face the attacks on Muslims in our current cultural contexts.
The tree of Muslim life focuses on our strengths and skills and how we keep growing strong in our identity as Muslims. This workshop is open to anyone who identifies as Muslim, religiously or culturally. We welcome, atheists, ex-Muslims, and religious Muslims to take part. Read more on the concept of the workshop and the workshop leader here:https://www.facebook.com/events/435421743313912/

22 October 2015

Washington Post: Before Ahmed and his clock, there was Kiera and her science project

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2015/10/20/before-ahmed-and-his-clock-there-was-kiera-and-her-science-project/?tid=sm_fb

Before Ahmed and his clock, there was Kiera and her science project


20 October 2015

The Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba will be hosting a general membership meeting (all welcome) to discuss body shaming and the larger women's experiences of conception, pregnancy, and birth.

"The Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba will be hosting a general membership meeting (all welcome) to discuss body shaming and the larger women's experiences of conception, pregnancy, and birth. We will also be voting on a resolution on access to healthcare for women with disablilities.

 Deborah McPhail is an Assistant Professor in Community Health Sciences, nil-appointed in Environment & Geography, and adjunct in Disability Studies. A critical health scholar who studies the social aspects of “obesity,” Dr. McPhail's interdisciplinary work has been published in such journals as Health and Place and Social Science & Medicine. Dr. McPhail obtained a PhD in Women’s Studies from York University in 2010. Her doctoral dissertation, a feminist history of obesity discourse in twentieth-century Canada, is in press with the University of Toronto Press. Dr. McPhail's current work focuses on the interplay among obesity discourse, social inequalities and women’s and transpeople’s reproductive health, with particular emphases on issues of health equity and healthcare access. Currently, she heads a nationally funded (CIHR) study exploring the experiences of women who have been labelled "obese" and their interactions with the healthcare system while conceiving a child, while pregnant, and/or while giving both. In Dr. McPhail's talk tonight, she will present the results of a pilot study that preceded this national study, which showed a high degree of body shaming and stigma levelled against women that reproductive healthcare workers regarded as "too large" and "unfit" to bear children."

Hillel Winnipeg: Great opportunity for university students, Interfaith Conversation Café.

Great opportunity for university students, Interfaith Conversation Café. For more info or to RSVP, e-mail hillel@jewishwinnipeg.org

Al Jazeera English Inside Story: Will Trudeau's victory make a change in Canada?

Al Jazeera English has uploaded Inside Story- Will Trudeau's victory make a change in Canada?
Al Jazeera English
Jane Dutton asks if Liberal leader's resounding victory ushers in a new era for Canada.


Jonathan Kay - Editor of the Walrus Magazine.

Josh Wingrove - Parliamentary Reporter for Bloomberg News.

Haroon Siddiqui - Columnist for the Toronto Star.