09 June 2015

Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015 (Bill C-51) Adopted by Senate now awaits Royal Assent - Four (4) postings - Three (3) articles

Pleased to see that the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015 was adopted by the Senate, and now awaits Royal Assent. The first duty of any government is protect its citizens. In line with measures taken by our allies, our Government is providing additional support to our police officers to stop those who promote terrorism, including those who call for attacks on Canadians. We are also taking action to prevent terrorist travel and thwart efforts to use Canada as a recruiting ground, and prevent planned attacks on our soil. Our Government will not allow Canada to become a safe haven for terrorists. Disappointed to see the “independent” Liberal Senators oppose these crucial measures.

Our Government is taking additional action to help our law enforcement and national security agencies stop those who promote terrorism, including attacks on Canadians

BREAKING: Bill C-51 passed into law by the Senate. Read our statement on this deeply disappointing decision.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is deeply disappointed that Bill C-51 (Anti-Terrorist Act, 2015) has today been passed into law by the Senate of...

Heureux de voir que la loi antiterroriste de 2015 a été adoptée par le Sénat, et attend maintenant la sanction royale. Le premier devoir d'un gouvernement est de protéger ses citoyens. En accord avec les mesures prises par nos alliés, notre gouvernement accorde un soutien supplémentaire à nos corps de police pour empêcher la promotion du terrorisme, y compris ceux qui appellent à des attaques contre les Canadiens. Nous prenons également des mesures pour empêcher les voyages à des fins terroristes, contrecarrer les efforts visant à utiliser le Canada comme un terrain de recrutement et de prévenir les attaques prévues sur notre territoire. Notre gouvernement ne permettra pas que le Canada devienne un refuge pour les terroristes. Je suis déçu de voir les sénateurs libéraux « indépendants » se soient opposé à ces mesures cruciales.

Notre gouvernement prend des mesures supplémentaires dans le but d’aider nos organismes d’application de la loi et nos organismes de sécurité nationaux à arrêter les personnes qui font la promotion du terrorisme, y compris la...

More than 70,000 people have signed our petition with BC Civil Liberties Association opposing Canada's new citizenship law!
This new law undermines Canadian citizenship as we know it - it takes away the rights of millions of Canadians, and creates countless more into second-class citizens with fewer rights – just because they were born outside Canada or are dual citizens.
Add your voice, and say no to second-class citizenship in Canada!https://www.change.org/p/hon-chris-alex...
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I was shocked when we learned that the federal government is undermining Canadian citizenship as we know it - taking away the rights of millions of...

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