21 May 2015

Free WiTOpoli workshop on gender & tenants' rights - 28 May 2015 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Toronto

Source: mass emailing

Know your rights as a renter!

Join WiTOpoli for a free workshop on gender and tenants' rights

Women often face unique challenges as renters, from safety issues to landlord discrimination. Join Women in Toronto Politics, Scarborough Community Legal Services and the Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations for a FREE workshop to learn more about your rights as a renter, and how to stand up for them!

When: May 28, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Committee Room #1, Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. near McCowan and Ellesmere (wheelchair-accessible). 
Free child-minding: Available upon request. Email womentopolitics@gmail.com by May 25 to let us know how many children and their ages.
RSVP for the workshop on Facebook, and please use the buttons below to spread the word to anyone who you think may benefit from participating!

Copyright © 2015 Women in Toronto Politics, All rights reserved.

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