25 May 2015

Clondalkin Sinn Féin: 68% of Harelawn Residents Concerned about Anti-Social Behaviour Council & Gardaí Must Do More

68% of Harelawn Residents Concerned about Anti-Social Behaviour
Council & Gardaí Must Do More
Sinn Féin Clondalkin Councillor Eoin Ó Broin has called on both South Dublin County Council and the Gardaí ‘to do more to tackle the problem of anti-social behaviour in Harelawn estate’. The call comes following a Sinn Féin community safety survey in the estate finds that almost 70% of residents are concerned with anti-social behaviour and a number of high profile incidents involving joyriding and stolen cars.
Cllr Ó Broin said:
‘Last month Sinn Féin conducted a door to door survey on community safety issues in Harelawn following contact from local residents concerned with anti-social behaviour issues the estate.
‘77 households completed the survey giving a response rate of 30%. They key findings included:
· 68% of respondents are concerned about anti-social behaviour
· 38% of respondents say things are the same while 35% say things have gotten worse
· The biggest problem identified was joyriding and stolen cars followed gangs and by quads and scramblers
· Only 8% of respondents has contacted the Council about these problems
· Only 20% of respondents had contacted the Gardaí
· 5% of respondents felt that the response from the Council/Gardaí was OK
· 17% of respondents felt that the response was bad
‘When asked what action they wanted the Council/Gardaí to tame to address these problems:
· 20% said more Gardaí on the streets
· 7% said a playground for children
· 4% said more Council cleaning
‘Sinn Féin will be seeking to meet with the local Gardaí and Council estate management staff in the coming weeks to discuss the findings of the survey. We will also be urging both the Council and the Gardaí to do more to reduce anti-social behaviour in Harelawn.’ ENDS

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