02 December 2019

A Personal Note Commanders For Israel's Security (CIS ) in Transition

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From: Amnon Reshef <reshefamnon@cis.org.il>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2019 at 18:42
Subject: A Personal Note CIS in Transition
To: Debra V. Wilson

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Dear Debra V. Wilson,

At the end of five intensive years, I am stepping down as CIS Chairperson.

As I believe that the CIS mission is as essential as ever, I not only continue my membership, but also will make myself available for a smooth transition and contribute further in whatever capacity the new leadership will deem fit.

This is no surprise to the CIS Steering and Executive committees, as I had twice agreed to postpone my target dates due to developments in the country.

To my delight, Aryeh Pellman, CIS Deputy Chairperson and former Deputy Director of Shin Bet, agreed to act as interim Chair.

This takes place as CIS is in the midst of comprehensive preparations for its next chapter. These involve not only a search committee for a new chairperson, but also some structural changes as befitting a more mature organization.

Also, CIS is in the midst of a thorough review of past activity with a view to assessing decisions regarding target audience/s (general public or segments thereof; opinion shapers; decision makers, etc.) and the relative utility of venues for approaching them (street campaigns; traditional and social media; low-profile education/lobbying efforts, etc.).

Targeting the end of Q1/20 for the launch of the new chapter, it is expected that this will coincide with more clarity about the CIS mission. Specifically, will the movement mobilize in support of a government pursing policies advocated by CIS in setting in motion a process of separation from the Palestinians as detailed in "Security First", and in changing course on Gaza, as proposed in "Gaza: a New Israeli Strategy"? Or will the three hundred generals have to stand up to an annexationist administration that ignores the devastating consequences as presented in "Ramifications of West Bank Annexation"?

Whatever the challenge, two things are certain: first, in the coming years, a security-based, professional potent advocacy of the values we share and policies we support will be essential, and none can match the CIS's.

Second, your support will be even more critical in helping CIS make its voice heard loud and clear, at home and abroad.

I take this opportunity for thank you for your support and friendship and for asking that you don't be a stranger.

I am stepping down, but am going nowhere, so I hope to hear from you.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef

Commanders for Israel's Security
Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements

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