13 September 2019

Commanders for Israel's Securit: Security Together:CIS at the second annual “Influencers Conference”

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- Debra V. Wilson 

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From: Commanders for Israel's Security <doar@cis.org.il>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 at 19:38
Subject: Security Together:CIS at the second annual "Influencers Conference"
To: Debra V. Wilson

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Security Together:
CIS at the second annual "Influencers Conference"

Dear Debra V. Wilson,

Context: Forging Security-Diplomatic Consensus
Over the past months, members of CIS met with acting and prospective decision makers, as well as with those who 'whisper on their ears' across the political spectrum, for discussions on the most pressing issues on our agenda.

During those meetings, we presented the CIS plans and analyses most relevant to the policy of the next government, accentuating Security First, our Alternative Gaza Strategy [Hebrew], and Ramifications Of West Bank Annexation: Security And Beyond.

Our 'hidden' agenda was to identify - and seek to promote - the broadest possible national consensus over the main recommendations of our various initiatives.

Despite the heavy schedule of those campaigning, the response was impressive. We held over 50 such meetings, mostly with a single counterpart, but often with small groups who share some common denominator, such as current and possible future MKs with security experience.

Our main takeaway was that - conventional wisdom notwithstanding - in serious discussions, with no media exposure, a broad agreement can be reached.

This effort yielded our concise Together Security memo, which can serve as the relevant chapter in the new government's policy guidelines.

To read 'Together Security' memo » Click here.

Subsequently, and through the swearing in of a new government, our efforts are focused on efforts to persuade as many relevant players as possible, to embrace those principles, even if respective campaign strategies rule out public expressions of such support.

Influencers Conference
Our only departure from this low-profile effort was the September 5th second annual "Influencers Conference" convened in Tel Aviv by Channel 12 TV (Israel's most viewed TV channel).

With some 5,000 members of the political, media and business communities in the audience, tens of thousands more viewed the live broadcast of the proceedings and scores more were exposed to selected segments over Channel 12th other media outlets.

CIS chose the event to roll out its Security Together memo, which was discussed on stage and distributed at the CIS booth.

CIS Booth
Placed at the most central location, it was impossible to miss the CIS booth, its messages flashed on screens, or its members who staffed the booth for the conference's ten-hour duration. Indeed, visitors picked some 1,500 copies of our memo and scores engaged CIS members in serious, at times lengthy conversations (including surprising discussions with leaders of the settler community).

On Stage
Our Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Danny Yatom, former Director of Mossad and Aryeh Pellman, former Deputy Director of Shin Bet, were joined by Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Effi Eitam, in a conversation over "how to extract Israel of the Palestinian Quagmire", moderated by Danna Weis, Channel 12th senior correspondent.

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef was interviewed by Ronni Daniel, Channel 12th senior military commentator.

To view excerpts from the interview with Amnon Reshef » click here.

Two CIS members, who are former Directors of Shin Bet, Admiral (Ret.) Amy Ayalon and Yaakov Perri, together with Carmi Gilon, a third formed Shin Bet Director, discussed government policy vis-s-vis the Arab World and regional terror organizations.

On the Margins
A telling anecdote:
Of the many reactions to the CIS participation, noteworthy was the one issued by Prime Minister Netanyahu. In his personal Tweeter account, he accentuated the CIS participation among his reasons for instructing member of Likud to boycott the event.

However astonishing the statement, careful as ever to not be dragged into partisan politics, CIS chose not to respond. Yet we took notice of the importance the PM attaches to CIS.

What Next?
As noted above, CIS will continue investing in generating support for the principles and policies encapsulated in Security Together in an effort to see them incorporated in government policy.

Mostly, we shall continue the 'under the radar' and off camera meetings, expanding the circle of interlocutors to the Haredi rabbinical and political leadership (for which we have hired a specialized group).

CIS Review
The CIS governing bodies have launched the second round since 2014, of comprehensive and in-depth discussions, with the aim of reviewing three areas: CIS vision and objectives; movement structure and decision making mechanisms; modes of operation.

We expect a thorough and exciting process, not the list due to the input of new members who also joined the executive and steering committees.

Thank you for your interest and support.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef

Commanders for Israel's Security
Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements

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Office: +972-77-4347705

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