12 March 2016

Muslim Advocates: A Win for the Community

Source:  mass emailing 

Dear Friend,

Nearly a year ago, Negin Farsad and Dein Obeidallah were told by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) that they couldn't advertise for their upcoming comedic film in New York City subway stations because their subject matter – American Muslims and our stories – was simply too political.
Now, after the successful legal intervention of Muslim Advocates and co-counsel Latham & Watkins LLP, Negin and Dean's ads for their film The Muslims Are Coming! are finally on display in the New York City subway system  reaching millions of New Yorkers who ride the subway each day. You can see an example of one ad below. 
This is a big win and we're honored to have represented Negin and Dean in this important fight. Muslim Advocates fights every day for the rights of American Muslims and we're thrilled to see these ads go up. This case was about more than just these ads, though, it was about protecting the right of community members to express themselves and share their stories  a right that is especially crucial today, in the face of increased misunderstanding and violence.
Poster for The Muslims Are Coming! https://www.muslimadvocates.org/donate/While dangerous rhetoric and hate crimes targeting Muslims continue to increase throughout the country, it is especially important that members of our community are able to speak up and share our stories in our own voices. 
As the U.S. District Court in Manhattan ruled, these ads couldn't rightfully be prohibited "…unless we have reached the unhappy moment in this country where the mere mention of one of the three Abrahamic faiths is 'prominently or predominantly political' simply because that faith is Islam."
We send our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Negin and Dean on this important step forward. And we thank you, our supporters, for making this possible. 
We are honored to do this work and it can only happen with your support. 
All the best and salaam,

Farhana Y. Khera
Executive Director

Farhana Khera | farhana@muslimadvocates.org | Muslim Advocates | P.O. Box 71080 | Oakland, 

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