10 March 2016

Bill of Rights Defense Committee: Sign the Petition: Congress Must Tell the FBI and DHS that Activism is Not Terrorism

Source:mass emailing

What do Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, School of the Americas Watch, and Anti-Keystone XL Pipeline Activists have in common?
Bill of Rights Defense Committee and Defending Dissent Foundation
What do Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, School of the Americas Watch, and Anti-Keystone XL Pipeline activists have in common?
They have all been spied on, monitored, tracked, and/or infiltrated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and/or Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Congress must tell the FBI and DHS: Activism is not Terrorism
Yesterday, BORDC/DDF, joined by more than 60 civil society organizations, sent a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees calling on them to investigate the FBI and DHS's use of counterterrorism authorities to spy on First Amendment protected activities. Now we need you to add your voice and tell the Senate and House Judiciary Committees that we need oversight of the FBI and DHS's rampant spying on dissent.
Click here to sign our petition now.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, ColorOfChange Center for Constitutional Rights, Greenpeace, USA, National Lawyers Guild, Partnership for Civil Justice, School of the Americas Watch, US Uncut, and United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) have all joined with us to demand answers.
We've gotten some great media coverage: Check out Ben Norton's article in Salon, or watch Legal Fellow Chip Gibbons' interview with Eddie Conway on the Real News Network.
The FBI claims it no longer spies on groups because of their political beliefs. Yet, over and over again, we have found out that the FBI surveils, and even deploys confidential informants, against groups it acknowledges are totally peaceful. Why does the FBI do this? It claims it is conducting "counterterrorism investigations." It would seem that the FBI has difficulty discerning between terrorism and activism. Isn't it time for Congress to help them learn the difference?
DHS has joined the FBI in monitoring dissent. Congress has oversight authority over both the FBI and DHS. Given that the FBI has continuously spied on political dissent and does not appear to be ready to stop of its own accord, and now that DHS has joined them, it is time for Congress to act. Congress must hold both agencies accountable and make plain to them that activism is not the same as terrorism.
As a BORDC/DDF grassroots supporter, you are the Bill of Rights frontline defense. Please tell Congress today that you value free speech and the FBI and DHS needs to, as well.
Stay Loud, Stay Strong,
Sue Udry
Executive Director
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Bill of Rights Defense Committee and Defending Dissent Foundation
277 Main St. Suite 206, Northampton MA 01060
(413) 582-0110 · info@bordc.org

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