18 March 2016

The Mosaic Institute: Evite: Why Be Jewish? A Conversation between Bernie M. Farber and Matthew Bronfman

Source: mass emailing 

Mosaic Newsletter Template
Evite: "Why Be Jewish?"
Harnessing Canada's Diversity for Peace and Development Abroad View in Browser
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Evite: "Why Be Jewish?" A Conversation between Matthew Bronfman and Bernie M. Farber

Bernie M. Farber is the Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute. In his long and varied career, he spent a good portion (27 years) with Canadian Jewish Congress becoming its CEO from 2006-2011. During that time, he was also the Canadian representative to the World Jewish Congress (WJC). In that time he worked with both professional and lay staff of the WJC including its president Edgar BronfmanZ"L.
The years in which Mr. Bronfman presided over the WJC were significant times; issues ranging from the scandal of Kurt Waldheim, to working with the then Soviet Union to free Soviet Jews, to Swiss Bank Accounts being withheld from Holocaust survivors and their families and much more were handled by president Bronfman.
This conversation between Edgar's son Matthew Bronfman, a renowned philanthropist in his own right and Bernie M. Farber one of Canada's most knowledgeable and respected Jewish figures, that will center around Edgar Brofman's last book "Whe Be Jewish?" will be one of the "must-attend" events on the communal calendar. Space is limited so please register early and avoid disappointment.
To register, email info@beth-tzedec.org

Please send any comments or suggestions to info@mosaicinstitute.ca.

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace : VOW meeting at Canadian Mission in New York

Source: mass emailing 

VOW meeting at Canadian Mission in New York

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace 

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace at the Canadian Mission in New York for UNCSW60

for immediate release
More than 20 members of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) are currently in New York City attending the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.  Thursday, March 17, they are scheduled to meet with Giles Norman, Government Relations and Legal Counsel at the Canadian Mission, NYC. read more here

Kasha Slaver, The Global Sunrise Project meets with Prime Minister Trudeau in New York at CSW60Caption linked to the Table of Contents
VOW GTA council co-chair Alana Sarapnickas @CSW60

Youth speak out on Sustainable peacebuilding tools with VOW, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) and Taking it Global and the Global Sunrise Project. UNCSW60 Monday, March 14 @CUNY building in NYC.

Rotary Peace Fellowship
Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships at one of our peace centers. These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses. read more here
VOW board member Tamara Lorincz was a recipient read more here

Our mailing address is:
579 Kingston Road, Mailbox 125, Toronto, ON. M4E 1R3

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) · 25 Cecil Street · Suite 307 · Toronto, Ontario M5T 1N1 · Canada

CBC: Justin Trudeau to announce when Canada will seek UN Security Council bid - Politics - CBC News

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-to-announce-when-canada-will-seek-un-security-council-bid-1.3490290

Justin Trudeau to announce when Canada will seek UN Security Council bid

Prime Minister to meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday

By Melissa Kent, CBC News Posted: Mar 15, 2016 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016 11:16 AM ET
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is travelling to New York City on Wednesday where he will meet with UN Secretary General Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, left, to reiterate Canada's support for the United Nations and to promote women's rights and gender equality.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is travelling to New York City on Wednesday where he will meet with UN Secretary General Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, left, to reiterate Canada's support for the United Nations and to promote women's rights and gender equality. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the United Nations in New York City on Wednesday where he will announce the date Canada plans to run for a seat on the Security Council, sources tell CBC News.
Trudeau's visit to the UN comes after his official visit and state dinner with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House last week.
Trudeau will reiterate Canada's support for the United Nations and promote women's rights and gender equality during a two-day visit to New York City, his first since becoming prime minister.
Several UN country missions have already received invitations to attend his ''remarks'' in the lobby of the Secretariat building Wednesday morning when the announcement is expected to be made.
Trudeau let it be known that Canada would resume its bid for a rotating seat on the 15-member council — something the previous government was unable to achieve — during a joint press conference with Ban in Ottawa last month.
"We're looking at a number of windows in the coming years. We are going to evaluate the opportunities for Canada to mount a successful bid," Trudeau said.
Several UN diplomats told CBC that 2020 would be the earliest slate available for Canada to have enough time to mount a successful campaign.
Currently there are three countries running that year for two rotating seats in the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) to which Canada belongs: Ireland, San Marino and Norway. The two-year term would begin in 2021.
Canada has had a seat on the UN Security Council every decade since its inception, but for the first time in 2010 the federal government withdrew its candidacy after two rounds of voting when it became clear it would not receive the votes required to beat Portugal for a two-year rotating seat on the council. Germany had already secured the other seat up for grabs in an earlier round of voting.
The five permanent veto-wielding members on the Security Council are the U.S., Great Britain, France, Russia and China, also known as the P5. The remaining 10 seats are distributed to countries on a regional basis.
Canada has held a seat on the UN Security Council six times. Its last term was in 1999-2000.

Canada's commitment to gender equality

The Security Council bid is just one aspect of Trudeau`s declared ''robust re-engagement'' with the United Nations.
During his meeting with Ban on Wednesday the prime minister will discuss ''climate change, respect for diversity and human rights, and support for international peace operations,'' according to his office.
He will also speak about ''gender equality'' during what's being billed as an armchair discussion with the executive director of UN Women at the 60th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
Several cabinet ministers are also taking part in this week's women's conference at the UN in New York City. 
Aboriginal Trudeau 20151208
A delegation of cabinet ministers led by Status of Women Minister Patricia Hajdu, left, will travel to New York City on Tuesday in advance of Trudeau's visit to the United Nations Wednesday. Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett, centre, will join Hajdu on the visit. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Status of Women Minister Patty Hajdu, who is leading the Canadian delegation, said the ministers will talk about preventing gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights and empowerment of women and girls.
"We can also look to the world for some of the successful things that they've done in other countries to address gender-based violence, in particular gender-based violence around indigenous women," Hajdu said in an interview with CBC News Network's Power & Politics on Monday.
Hajdu, whose government has been consulting with Canadians ahead of the launch of an inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women, said Canada will be comparing notes with other countries and sharing best practices.
"We're taking this issue very seriously in our country, but also tell us what's working in your country."
Hajdu will be joined by Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau.

PM to receive award

The prime minister will be honoured at a gala dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Wednesday evening for his ''leadership in advancing diversity and gender equality,'' according to the non-profit organization hosting the event.
''We're proud to have him on our stage,'' says Catalyst president Deborah Gillis, who adds that this is the first time a world leader will be recognized at the annual awards dinner, which rewards business leaders for promoting gender equality.
Gillis cites Trudeau's ''historic first cabinet'' with equal numbers of men and women as the reason for the special commendation. ''His simple explanation … 'Because it's 2015,' was so powerful because it really said to the world the time for excuses has passed.''
More than 1,500 people will attend the dinner including Fortune 500 CEOs and other executives from corporate America as well as Canadian business leaders such as BMO Financial Group's Bill Downe and president and CEO of  BCE Inc. and Bell Canada, George Cope — both members of Catalyst Canada's advisory board.
Bruce Heyman, U.S. ambassador to Canada, and Marc-André Blanchard who will take up his post in April as the country's new ambassador to the United Nations will also be there, says Gillis.
On Thursday, Trudeau is expected to spend most of his time in private meetings with NYC-based business leaders, because ''there has never been a better time to look at Canada to invest'' he said in a statement.
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Gender equality in Canada9:34

The National: New Senators Appointed by Justin Trudeau

15 March 2016

IDF: A Glimpse from the Combat Intelligence Corps - Shachaf Battalion

News Release - Winnipeg Police Service: Results of the Winnipeg Police Service Public Opinion Survey

Source:  mass emailing

Winnipeg Police Service
Includes crime stoppers, neighbourhood watch, redlight cameras, press releases, recruitment.

March 11, 2105
Results of the Winnipeg Police Service Public Opinion Survey
The Winnipeg Police Service’s vision is ‘A culture of safety for all’. Part of the strategy is to continue to build a service that knows and reflects the communities we serve.
In order to determine how the citizens of Winnipeg feel about these issues, the Service contracted with Prairie Research Associates of Winnipeg to conduct a public opinion survey.
Between September 1st and 5th, 2015 over 600 residents were contacted regarding their involvement with, and their opinions of the Winnipeg Police Service.  
This survey is just another way of communicating with the citizens of Winnipeg and using the results to improve as an organization. The results have been made public and are posted on the Winnipeg Police Service Website at: http://www.winnipeg.ca/police/survey/default.stm.

The Winnipeg Police Service would like to thank all those who will take part in the survey and help make our city a safer place to live, work and play.

For further information contact either:
Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer
Constable Eric Hofley, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Phone: (204) 986-3061 | Fax: (204) 986-3267 | Email:

News Release - Winnipeg Police Service: The Counter Exploitation Unit and our Uniform Operational Divisions

Source: mass emailing
Winnipeg Police Service
Includes crime stoppers, neighbourhood watch, redlight cameras, press releases, recruitment.

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Project CREATE
In 2013 Winnipeg Police Chief Devon Clunis announced the Winnipeg Police Service’s new strategy in relation to sex trade activity in the City of Winnipeg.
In the most recent phase of this on-going project, the Counter Exploitation Unit (CEU) in collaboration with Community Support members from Divisions 11 and 13 ran the CREATE initiative between March 7th-11th, 2016, resulting in the following statistics:

Ten men, ranging in age from 21-57 years, were arrested for Obtaining Sexual Services for Consideration. In addition, eight vehicles were seized under the Highway Traffic Act.
Five adult males were cautioned by officers for frequenting areas in the city that are known for sexual exploitation. These men were provided with information through the Salvation Army’s Reality Check program.


During the project, a total of 22 adult women believed to be engaged in the sex trade were interviewed by officers, and in these cases it was determined that there was little or no degree of exploitation taking place. Officers offered various levels of community supports to the women who were interviewed. These interventions took place in local body rub parlours, hotels, and at the street level.
Public Awareness:
In keeping with the public awareness portion of the strategy, members of the CEU have been proactively working with various local hotels in an effort to identify suspected cases of Human Trafficking or sexual exploitation that might be taking place at these locations.
In conjunction with project CREATE, officers conducted on-site visits at eight local hotels that had been previously identified as having escort-related activity. Officers provided staff at these locations with information relating to Human Trafficking and sexual exploitation.
The Counter Exploitation Unit and our Uniform Operational Divisions are committed to addressing community concerns related to the visible sex trade and working toward sustainable solutions and creating a culture of safety.
Everyone has a role to play in helping to address this issue. If you have information regarding sex trade issues in your community, please contact the Counter Exploitation Unit at 204-986-3464. You can also fill out the online Prostitution Complaint Form by visiting the Winnipeg Police Service website at www.winnipeg.ca/police

For further information contact either:
   Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer
   Constable Eric Hofley, Public Information Officer
   Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

   Phone: (204) 986-3061 | Fax: (204) 986-3267 | Email:

Man arrested after 2 Canadian Forces members stabbed at Toronto recruitment centre - Facebook Posting and an Article

The highlights are mine, and not a part of the original posting.

Statement on the incident in Toronto:
I am aware of the incident at the Canadian Forces Recruitment Centre in Toronto. While it is premature to comment as an investigation is on-going, the information the RCMP has at this point suggests this is an isolated incident and that there is no imminent threat to public safety. Canadians can be assured that their police and security agencies are fully engaged and are discharging their responsibilities. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

Image for the news result
Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders says a 27-year-old man is under arrest after two ...

12 March 2016

WLP: You're Invited to Lifelines: The Poetry of Human Rights, 19March16

Source:  mass emailing 

Click image to register
Lifelines, first launched in 2000 by the Women's Learning Partnership, uses the transformative power of art to bring about social and political change.

Women's Learning Partnership
4343 Montgomery Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814

Muslim Advocates: A Win for the Community

Source:  mass emailing 

Dear Friend,

Nearly a year ago, Negin Farsad and Dein Obeidallah were told by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) that they couldn't advertise for their upcoming comedic film in New York City subway stations because their subject matter – American Muslims and our stories – was simply too political.
Now, after the successful legal intervention of Muslim Advocates and co-counsel Latham & Watkins LLP, Negin and Dean's ads for their film The Muslims Are Coming! are finally on display in the New York City subway system  reaching millions of New Yorkers who ride the subway each day. You can see an example of one ad below. 
This is a big win and we're honored to have represented Negin and Dean in this important fight. Muslim Advocates fights every day for the rights of American Muslims and we're thrilled to see these ads go up. This case was about more than just these ads, though, it was about protecting the right of community members to express themselves and share their stories  a right that is especially crucial today, in the face of increased misunderstanding and violence.
Poster for The Muslims Are Coming! https://www.muslimadvocates.org/donate/While dangerous rhetoric and hate crimes targeting Muslims continue to increase throughout the country, it is especially important that members of our community are able to speak up and share our stories in our own voices. 
As the U.S. District Court in Manhattan ruled, these ads couldn't rightfully be prohibited "…unless we have reached the unhappy moment in this country where the mere mention of one of the three Abrahamic faiths is 'prominently or predominantly political' simply because that faith is Islam."
We send our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Negin and Dean on this important step forward. And we thank you, our supporters, for making this possible. 
We are honored to do this work and it can only happen with your support. 
All the best and salaam,

Farhana Y. Khera
Executive Director

Farhana Khera | farhana@muslimadvocates.org | Muslim Advocates | P.O. Box 71080 | Oakland,