23 July 2015

Women in Toronto Politics: Statement from Women in Toronto Politics on Online Harassment faced by Women in ‪#‎TOpoli‬

We have issued a statement in response to being named in recent news reports and in support of our team members. The full text is below.
Statement from Women in Toronto Politics on Online Harassment faced by Women in ‪#‎TOpoli‬
In a city as large and as diverse as Toronto, fostering community both on and offline is key to building the city we want. In May 2012, we decided to carve out some safe space for ourselves and empower women to speak up about municipal issues by forming Women in Toronto Politics. We wanted to combat the fear countless women in #TOpoli have expressed to us - that speaking up online makes them targets for abuse. Through our collective, we hope to offer women a sense of security and protection. We know that women are safer in a group than on their own, and we try to provide some refuge from the threat of gendered insults and harassment that serves to silence women online and in their day-to-day lives.
WiTOpoli has continually demonstrated our commitment to supporting women and championing their voices. During the last municipal election, we started ‪#‎thecityIwant‬ campaign to galvanize support behind women candidates of colour who faced racism and misogyny on the campaign trail. Our community provides a platform to encourage and amplify women’s voices and challenge the forces that aim to silence them
Currently, the Crown is pursuing a case in which our Executive Director and one of our volunteers are key witnesses. As members of the WiTOpoli Operations Team and Steering Committee, we wish to publicly offer women experiencing harassment our unconditional support, and recognize the overwhelming challenges these women face as this case continues to play out in the public arena. Like many women who report harassment or abuse, our members have repeatedly been subjected to personal attacks online. As the media scrutiny surrounding this case increases, WiTOpoli continues to support our colleagues and friends. While increasing press coverage has provoked some users to send WiTOpoli hateful messages on social media, the vitriol directed at us collectively is nothing compared to the personal attacks our ED and volunteer have received. We are strong because we stand together. We stand as witnesses to these online attacks and we stand with all women who feel they have been effectively silenced.
Part of the reason this case has been the focus of such polarizing media attention is because it is one of the few cases in Canada that deals with behaviour in the online sphere. As an organization, our mission is to create a more inclusive civic discourse - one where all voices feel safe to speak up wherever conversations are taking place. In order to build a more equitable city, diverse voices need to feel they have a seat at the table. If women and other groups are hesitant to speak up for fear of being threatened, how can we start an inclusive conversation? We stand in solidarity with women everywhere who feel their voices have been silenced, quieted, or marginalized. Who fear their opinions are not valued and who fear the vicious attacks speaking up may drive their way. We believe in women, and ask that our supporters do too.

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