22 July 2015

The Week Ahead at the UN Security Council - 20 - 24 July 2015

Source: mass emailing


20 to 24 July 2015
Dear Debra,
This morning the Security Council will vote on a resolution that endorses the recently concluded Iran nuclear deal and begins the process of lifting sanctions.
Later Monday morning, there will be an Arria-formula meeting on the situation in Gaza one year after the Israeli offensive "Operation Protective Edge". The quarterly open debate on Israel/Palestine will be held on Thursday and New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Murray McCully, is expected to preside as president of the Council.
This week Council members may continue negotiating two draft resolutions on proposals for:
Council members may also have initial, informal discussions on the selection process for the next UN Secretary-General.
Other issues this week include briefings on UNAMI in Iraq and UNFICYP in Cyprus ahead of their respective mandate renewals later this month.
At the subsidiary-level, the Council's 1521 Liberia Sanctions Committee will meet on Tuesday to hear an update on the work of its Panel of Experts as well as receive a briefing from the Secretariat regarding the upcoming Secretary-General's report on arms, ammunition and border issues. On Thursday there will be a meeting of the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee ahead of the special meeting of the CTC on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters to be held in Madrid on 28 July.
Finally, Council members will be closely following developments in Addis Ababa, where IGAD-Plus representatives are expected to convene to discuss the peace process in South Sudan.
Background information on these and other issues has been published in the July 2015 Monthly Forecast, also available in PDF. Further Council developments will be posted to What's In Blue.
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