09 June 2014

World Pride Toronto 2014 and Stating the Obvious – But Still Stating It.

World Pride Toronto 2014 presents Canada’s policing and security sector with much work to do.

1)      There is the sheer number of additional people into Toronto/the nation.

2)      Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) will be especially busy.  As I do I conceptualise the safety/health of a nation as the body human.  In keeping with that metaphor when there are many pressures on the body it presents the opportunity for opportunistic infections to grab hold.  And with World Pride frenzy will increase the attempt by some to enter Canada for less than good.

3)      The RCMP (like CSIS can also receive foreign information as it relates to Canada) and CSIS (networked to receive foreign information as it relates to Canada) will have coordinated in advance with CBSA to prevent those who mean harm to Canada from entering the nation.  Still if the unfortunate happens there will most likely be an RCMP plan in place with CSIS to address.

4)      The RCMP is collectively grieving.  I do not believe that will impact the efforts of this mechanism of the State, but still the RCMP is grieving.  Senior RCMP and CSIS will no doubt now be factoring that into the equation.  No doubt arrangements have already been made for additional police.

5)      The Toronto Police Service is on the front line here.  The TPS is integral to the safety of Canada during this particular event.  They will no doubt have their own concerns.  In addition the RCMP, CSIS and CBSA will have kept the TPS in the loop on all intelligence matters related to World Pride 2014.  All will know sharing and coordination is the key here.

6)      There will be greater stress on some parts of Toronto’s infrastructure.  Young people will flock to the parade and other events.  There is a greater chance at such events that some young people will over do it.  Hospitals in the area will be on the ready.

7)      Hotels in the area will be on the ready for the greater increase in inebriated guests – and the ramifications that brings.

8)      Then there is the public face and commerce of it all.  Like all nations Canada has a face she seeks to show to the world.  And in the case of Canada visibly heavy handed policing is probably not seen as Canadian.  Also World Pride presents the opportunity for economic gains for the nation and some of her people.   How a heavy policing presence would impact that has no doubt been looked at.

And this was just a wee bit of stating the obvious here – but still stating it.


-Debra V. Wilson

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