21 June 2014

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC): Happy National Aboriginal Day!

Happy National Aboriginal Day! Join in the celebration today at one of the many events happening across Canada: http://ow.ly/ygt6O
You can also share your stories, celebrations and photos virtually through Facebook, Twitter or Flickr - don't forget to use the hashtag ‪#‎NADCanada‬.

14 June 2014

Fwd: Celestine (@celestine_kwc) is now following you on Twitter!

Please note I removed some of the hyperlinks

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Celestine (via Twitter)" <notify@twitter.com>
Date: June 14, 2014 11:40:13 CDT
To: FemmesSécuritéPaix <>
Subject: Celestine (@celestine_kwc) is now following you on Twitter!

You have a new follower on Twitter.
I love exploring my exotic side with any and all kinds of people.. bit.ly/1lXlmqU
Granby, Canada · http://bit.ly/1lXlmqU

09 June 2014

Middle East Children's Alliance: June 4: UN Day for children victims of Israel's acts of aggression


Learn more about the children victims of aggression.
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Middle East Children's Alliance

In 1982, as the Israeli war in Lebanon raged, the UN General Assembly, "appalled at the great number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children victims of Israel's acts of aggression," decided to commemorate June 4 as the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.

As you probably know, the 1982 Israeli invasion in Lebanon culminated in the horrific massacres of more than three thousand unarmed Palestinian children, women and men in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. The brutal Israeli occupation of Lebanon continued for 18 more years.

Today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are growing up in twelve decrepit refugee camps in Lebanon, with hundreds more arriving every day from the tragedy in Syria. Meanwhile children in Palestine continue to suffer "Israel's acts of aggression" in their daily lives under occupation.

CNN camera catches Israeli soldier who fired at, killed Palestinian teen
Day after day, year after year, Israel uses all manner of weapons to occupy and suppress millions of Palestinians with the result that thousands are dead including, just since the year 2000,more than 1,400 Palestinian children.

Watch the video and read more on Electronic Intifada

At the end of April, a total of 196 Palestinian children were imprisoned and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system.

Read Defense for Children International-Palestine Section's April Detention Bulletin.


The United Nations determined the purpose of this day "to acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse."

At MECA, we are not only acknowledging the abuse of Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli occupation—we are doing everything we can to address the abuse.

With your help, we are making sure Palestinian children get counseling and tutors. We are giving them a chance to express themselves though music and art. We are giving them the chance to play in playgrounds and read in libraries. And we are providing basic necessities to children in Palestine and Lebanon, like medicine, drinking water, warm clothing, and more.

This June 4, please make a donation to help children who are still "victims of Israel's acts of aggression."  


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You are receiving this email because you signed up, made a donation, signed a petition, or attended an event with the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA). This mail program allows you to directly manage your communication preferences. Please contact MECA with any questions at 510 548-0542.
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Middle East Children's Alliance
1101 Eighth Street
Suite 100
Berkeley, CA 94710


Tariq Ramadan : Female, Male (3)

Source: mass emailing



Female, Male (3)

Female, Male (3)

Equal and the Identical Not all ancient cosmologies give men and women the same status at the ontological level. Some interpretations of spiritual and religious traditions, both ancient and contemporary, come close to asserting that women's 'ontological' difference (in terms of their nature, rationality and/or purity) justifies the transhistorical and transcultural inferiority of their status. The comments of the philosophers …

Media Library


[we!] Coming Soon! Isis International Feminist Archives Online

Source: mass emailing


an Isis International e-newsletter, offers news, information and commentary on women's activism and rights around the globe

Isis International  
Visit the Isis International website for more news FacebookYouTube
Isis International is pleased to announce that we have scanned and digitized all of our publications starting from our very first one in 1974. These represent a wealth of information and documentation from the international feminist movements, campaigns, groups and organizations from around the world, with a special focus on those in the Global South.
Isis International also has a huge collection of materials from the early feminist movements and groups in the Global South, many of which no longer exist. We hope to find ways to make sure that this historical material is not lost, to see them digitized and made available online.
We are happy to partner with others in this effort to preserve our feminist history, and welcome enquiries.


World Pride Toronto 2014 and Stating the Obvious – But Still Stating It.

World Pride Toronto 2014 presents Canada’s policing and security sector with much work to do.

1)      There is the sheer number of additional people into Toronto/the nation.

2)      Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) will be especially busy.  As I do I conceptualise the safety/health of a nation as the body human.  In keeping with that metaphor when there are many pressures on the body it presents the opportunity for opportunistic infections to grab hold.  And with World Pride frenzy will increase the attempt by some to enter Canada for less than good.

3)      The RCMP (like CSIS can also receive foreign information as it relates to Canada) and CSIS (networked to receive foreign information as it relates to Canada) will have coordinated in advance with CBSA to prevent those who mean harm to Canada from entering the nation.  Still if the unfortunate happens there will most likely be an RCMP plan in place with CSIS to address.

4)      The RCMP is collectively grieving.  I do not believe that will impact the efforts of this mechanism of the State, but still the RCMP is grieving.  Senior RCMP and CSIS will no doubt now be factoring that into the equation.  No doubt arrangements have already been made for additional police.

5)      The Toronto Police Service is on the front line here.  The TPS is integral to the safety of Canada during this particular event.  They will no doubt have their own concerns.  In addition the RCMP, CSIS and CBSA will have kept the TPS in the loop on all intelligence matters related to World Pride 2014.  All will know sharing and coordination is the key here.

6)      There will be greater stress on some parts of Toronto’s infrastructure.  Young people will flock to the parade and other events.  There is a greater chance at such events that some young people will over do it.  Hospitals in the area will be on the ready.

7)      Hotels in the area will be on the ready for the greater increase in inebriated guests – and the ramifications that brings.

8)      Then there is the public face and commerce of it all.  Like all nations Canada has a face she seeks to show to the world.  And in the case of Canada visibly heavy handed policing is probably not seen as Canadian.  Also World Pride presents the opportunity for economic gains for the nation and some of her people.   How a heavy policing presence would impact that has no doubt been looked at.

And this was just a wee bit of stating the obvious here – but still stating it.


-Debra V. Wilson

05 June 2014

Rest in Peace: Constable David Ross, Constable Fabrice Georges Gevaudan and Constable Douglas James Larche

The people of Moncton are in our hopes and prayers today. It remains in "lockdown" as police continue to search for Jason Bourque, wanted for the death of 3 rcmp officers and the injury of two more. Our sincere condolences to the friends and family of our fallen rcmp. 

 #PrayForMoncton #monctonshooting http://huff.to/1mVH13j

Photo from the National Post.
The people of Moncton are in our hopes and prayers today. It remains in "lockdown" as police continue to search for Jason Bourque, wanted for the death of 3 rcm...p officers and the injury of two more. Our sincere condolences to the friends and family of our fallen rcmp.

03 June 2014

RCMP: Peaceful resolution-Teaching cadets to be critical thinkers

Source:  http://www.rcmp.gc.ca/gazette/vol76no1/interview-entrevue-eng.htm?fb

Q & A
: Cadet and actors role play in scenario.
Cadets are given the opportunity to apply de-escalation techniques in increasingly complex scenario-based training exercises. Credit: Chrystal Kruszelnicki

Peaceful resolution

Teaching cadets to be critical thinkers

When it comes to policing there is no such thing as black and white, and no two situations are the same. So how are cadets trained to de-escalate violent situations when there are so many shades of grey? Deidre Seiden spoke to Cpl. Allana Graham, Applied Police Science, Sgt. Jeff Comeau, Firearms Training Unit, Cpl. Mark Ward, Police Defensive Tactics and instructional designer Christine Hudy from Depot, the RCMP’s training academy, to find out.
What are your goals when training cadets in the de-escalation of violence?AG: Our goal is for the cadets to use the techniques and communication skills that we give them as much as they can so they can use the least amount of intervention necessary when interacting with a person.
JC: We want them to be thinkers and think on their feet when making decisions and take the appropriate action to deal with the situation appropriately. In the end, one of the goals is that they can resolve a situation so that everybody, the police and the public, is safe. That would be ideal but it’s not always the case.
CH: That’s one of the reasons why we try and make sure that the cadets leave here as very solid critical thinkers because the chances of them encountering a situation in the field that’s exactly the same as something we’ve put them through in training is very slim. In our world, de-escalation is a fairly critical principle. So critical in fact that it’s one of the seven tactical principles that cadets learn across the curriculum and it’s mostly focused in the police defensive tactics (PDT) world.
What does de-escalation mean?
CH: The principle when we talk about de-escalation is to use whatever techniques are at a police officer’s disposal to try and lessen or minimize the risk of harm to anyone involved in that situation.
MW: The goal is for everyone to be safe. We always have to look at the likelihood of harm in a given situation. Is there a chance that someone is going to be hurt? Is the police officer going to be hurt? Or will there be any type of damage to property? If there’s no likelihood of harm, if there’s no rush to move in to use force, then we’re going to use that time to our benefit to de-escalate the situation by using our communication techniques with the parties involved to get some sort of peaceful resolution.
What’s the best way to train cadets in de-escalation?
JC: I think probably our scenario-based training model and format that we use here. We do simulator training and scenario-based training with actors. Role playing gives the cadets the opportunity to have an actual person in front of them and have that back-and-forth communication.
CH: De-escalation is taught in the same way that a lot of our other core concepts are in that we always give cadets some basic introductory material to start with. Then we build on that knowledge throughout the rest of training. Plus we give them the opportunity to apply the techniques that are relevant to that concept in increasingly complex scenarios.
AG: It’s fascinating how well the cadets learn the techniques. I think the reasons they learn it so well is because of how integrated all the different units are and how integrated the teachings are. We start that very early on with the readings and the classroom material. Then we go into the scenario training, starting with some of the more simple scenarios where it is a lot of the de-escalation and communication to resolve the scenario. Then they proceed to more difficult situations where actual intervention options are required.
MW: I agree with Jeff that the scenario-based training is probably the best way to get that experience under their belt. In PDT, we have certain scenarios set up where they have to tactically reposition, which is moving to a different position if it’s going to make the situation safer or lessen the chance of violence.
Why isn’t there one course taught on this topic?CH: It’s because we use an integrated, problem-based learning methodology in the design of the curriculum. With that particular educational approach, we don’t divide the curriculum into subject-based material, which is your traditional way of teaching. We find that it’s not a tremendously effective way to teach police officers. Using this methodology, the focus in the curriculum is on solving problems and that is more closely related to what real life is like. So everything they learn is within the context of the way they are actually going to be expected to apply when they are in the field.
JC: We also work together in the different units. Like in the firearms unit, when we’re doing the judgement training in the simulators, PDT will join. I might be running a session and Mark comes and sits in on it. Then we both debrief and provide feedback to the cadets based on our background and experience with the different units.
What are some examples of the techniques that you teach?
AG: We teach them to use their listening skills as opposed to speaking all the time, active listening, not interrupting, letting the other person vent until they’ve gotten what they need to get out of their system.
JC: Body language can be very important as well. If one of our cadets jumped out of the police car with the baton, waving it around, that would set a very different tone than someone who took the time to consider the risk and act accordingly based on the situational factors.
AG: Something else that we speak to is managing our own stress when dealing with situations. It’s about taking a moment, taking some deep breaths, thinking about what the situation is and that people aren’t necessarily attacking you personally.
JC: We challenge them and teach them to ask themselves these questions when they get into situations. We want our cadets to hit the ground as Mounties as critical thinkers.
How are cadets trained to defuse a potentially tense situation, such as a traffic stop?
AG: We go through scenarios based on officer–violator contacts. A lot of defusing a potentially tense situation happens during the introduction. It’s based on tone, where you’re standing and body language when you’re speaking to that person. You’re in control of the situation and you’re not letting the person you’ve stopped run the interaction. That’s the first thing we do. And to keep it concise and professional.
JC: Exactly. Very early on the cadets are introduced to our core values and we want to see those modelled for the rest of their careers. Professionalism, compassion and respect are part of those core values and that’s what we want to see from cadets when they are interacting, whether it’s in a simulated scenario where they’re talking to an image on a screen or an actor or role-player or the cadets’ role playing for each other, we want that behaviour demonstrated.
MW: When cadets are introduced to those situations, we want them to be in control of themselves, to try and manage their own stress and their own anger. Allana hit on that earlier. Sometimes the goal of some people is to have an argument or an all-out fist fight with the police officer, so the police officer has to check themself and make sure they’re in control of their own faculties.
Are cadets trained to respond to calls involving people with mental illness?AG: There are some readings, videos, classroom exercises and specific scenarios on dealing with people with mental illness. It doesn’t matter who or what is involved, we always do a risk assessment. We take into account the situational factors and our observations when dealing with anybody, it doesn’t matter who it is. If we have more information on the subject, the better it helps us in our dealings with them.
CH: Regardless of who that person you’re dealing with is and what circumstances have led them to that point, if you have to control a situation, the situation has to be controlled to make sure that public and police safety are maintained.
How can this knowledge help de-escalate a potentially violent situation?MW: If you think about it, it’s just another tool in the toolbox for the police officer. There are different approaches to handling situations. If I’m dealing with a person and it’s not working, I have a plan B or plan C or plan D to fall back on. And I’ll go through that cycle of whatever I have in my toolbox to help the situation. The more skill sets you have, the better prepared you’re going to be.

חשבתם שיש מי שדואג לכם? תחשבו מסלול מחדש

2014-06-03 2:45 GMT-05:00 סתיו שפיר <stav.avoda@gmail.com>:

For English press here

כחלק מהמאבק שלי על שקיפות, אני משתפת אתכם גם החודש בפעילות ובסדר היום שלי - לפרטי פרטים, כולל שעות וקילומטרים.  
החודש חזרנו מפגרת האביב, הישר למאבקי התקציב בין משרד האוצר למשרד הביטחון, מסקנות הוועדה למלחמה בעוני, ופעולותיו העצלות של קבינט הדיור. את השעות שלא ביליתי בכנסת (כנס הקיץ נפתח רק לפני שבועיים), ניצלתי לכמה שיותר סיורים בשטח, מפגשים עם הציבור, למידה והכנה של הצעות החוק שאגיש במושב הקרוב. החתמתי סטונדנטים באוניברסיטאות חיפה ובן גוריון בבאר שבע על הצעת החוק שלי לשכירות הוגנת, יצאתי לפעילות שטח לקידום החוק ביחד עם המשמרת הצעירה של מפלגת העבודה בתל אביב, הרציתי בפני ראשי ועדי עובדים של מרחב נגב בהסתדרות, ביקרתי במכינה הקדם צבאית ״גל״ בצפון, פגשתי את נשות ויצ"ו המקסימות, השתתפתי בכנסים בנושא משבר הדסה וערכתי סיורים ברחבי הארץ עם מומחים לדיור בר השגה ולדיור ציבורי.

חושפת את הנתונים שהאוצר מסתיר
במשך כל הפגרה ועדת הכספים פעלה כמעט כרגיל והמשיכה להעביר את כספי המסים שלכם ממקום אחד לאחר מבלי למסור לכם דין וחשבון. אני ממשיכה להילחם נגד השיטה האיומה הזו. לפי כתבה שפורסמה בשבוע שעבר בערוץ 2 10% מהתקציב משתנה דרך וועדת הכספים. פה המקום להזכיר שעד לפני חצי שנה חברי הכנסת שהצביעו על השינויים בתקציב בלי לדעת כלל על מה הם מצביעים, והודות למאבק שלי, היום ניתן לראות באינטרנט מראש את כל הבקשות לשינויים ופירוט מלא של התקציב. אבל זוהי רק ההתחלה - הנוהל הזה שמאפשר את השינויים ומשמש כבר שנים כר פורה לסחטנות פוליטית ולשחיתות אפורה, נוגד את חוק יסוד משק המדינה - ולכן עתרתי לבג"ץ בדרישה לעצור אותו. הדיון נקבע ל-18.6 ואני מזמינה אתכם להצטרף אלינו מחוץ לבית המשפט העליון ולהבהיר שאי אפשר לשחק בכספי המסים שלנו! 
בשבועיים האחרונים החלטתי לחשוף מדי שבוע במליאת הכנסת לאן עוברים הכסף בשקט בשקט, הרחק מהעין הציבורית, ואמשיך כך עד שהשיטה הזו תיעלם מהעולם. ניתן לצפות כאן בשני הנאומים האחרונים שלי.

צפו בעימות שלי עם יו״ר הוועדה, ח״כ ניסן סלומיאנסקי, אצל לונדון וקירשנבאום והאזינו לכתבה בגלי צה"ל חושפת כי כסף שיצא מהקופה הציבורית הועבר לעמותות שכלל לא רשומות. 

זה לא בשמיים
בעוד שבשבוע שעבר פורסמה בכלכליסט כתבה על 8 היוזמות של קבינט הדיור של הממשלה שמתעכבות עוד ועוד, אני וחברי לראשות שדולת שוכרי הדירות בכנסת, ח"כ חיליק בר וח"כ אורלי לוי-אבקסיס, קיימנו כנס שני שמטרתו להציף את הממשלה בפתרונות ריאליים, מהירים ואפקטיביים למצוקת הדיור. בכנס, בשיתוף מרכז הגר לדיור הוגן של אוניברסיטת ת"א, התארח מארק יער, בין המומחים המובילים בארה"ב לפיתוח ומימון דיור בר השגה, ומי שהוביל במשך מספר עשורים את תחום פיתוח הדיור בעיריית ניו יורק. יער הציג בפני חברי הכנסת, במעמד יו"ר האופוזיציה ח"כ יצחק הרצוג, יוזמות לקידום שכירות לטווח ארוך במרכזי ערים שמומנו בשותפות ציבורית-פרטית. שוק השכירות הופך במהירות לאפשרות היחידה הזמינה שעומדת בפני הדור הצעיר. על כן יש צורך דחוף להסדיר את היחסים בין משכירי הדירות והשוכרים, את גובה שכר הדירה, ובמקביל ובמהירות - להגדיל את כמות הדירות שעומדות להשכרה בת השגה לטווח ארוך. הגיע הזמן שממשלת ישראל תפסיק לעסוק במלחמות אגו פנימיות ותפנים שמצוקת הדיור, שעליה יצאנו במאות אלפים לרחובות, זקוקה לפתרון מיידי ואמיץ. אתם מוזמנים לקרוא על הכנס בכלי התקשורת השונים: בווינט, בדה מרקר, ובכלכליסט

מי דואג לצעירי ישראל? 
לפני כמעט שלוש שנים התאחדנו, צעירי וצעירות ישראל, מתוך תחושה קשה שהעתיד שלנו כאן בכלל לא בטוח: שירותי הרווחה קורסים, המחייה מתייקרת וההורים שלנו בוודאי שלא יכולים לעמוד בנטל מימון הפער בין השכר הנמוך של רובנו לבין ההוצאות הגבוהות. כל מדינות העולם המערבי הפנימו מזמן שעליהן לראות את האזרחים הצעירים כמשאב - לדאוג להם לתעסוקה יציבה, לוודא שהם זוכים בהזדמנות שווה להשכלה, לדיור נאות ולתחבורה ציבורית זול. מדינות שמצטרפות לאיחוד האירופאי מחויבות להציג תכנית מיוחדת לענייני צעירים, כולל השקעה תקציבית ברורה. לצערי, הממשלה שלנו לא הפנימה מאז המחאה שיש לה חלק לא קטן בתופעת בריחת המוחות והירידה של צעירים רבים מהארץ. בכנס שערכתי השבוע על "מדיניות צעירים בישראל מול העולם" הצגתי נתונים מדאיגים על הפערים בין ישראל לבין מדינות המערב ביחס לאנשים צעירים. בכנס, בשיתוף קרן אברט וד״ר רובי נתנזון ממרכז מאקרו למדיניות כלכלית, התארח מומחה בינלאומי, פרופ׳ אנדי פורלונג, ודיברו יו"ר התאחדות הסטודנטים אורי רשטיק, נציגי מרכזי צעירים מירושלים ותל אביב, וסיעות צעירים במועצות המקומיות מרחבי הארץ. מסקנה מסקרנת במיוחד של פרופ' פורלונג היתה כי אחת מהדרכים החשובות ביותר לדאוג לזכויות האזרחים הצעירים הוא לעודד את שילובם בפוליטיקה. לשמחתי, ישבתי מוקפת בנבחרי ציבור צעירים  - גם מקרב חברי הכנסת וגם מהרשויות המקומיות - והיה לי ברור כי על כתפינו מוטלת האחריות להביא את השינוי. בסיום הכנס החלטנו על הקמת פורום לקידום זכויות הצעירים. 
צפו בנאום הפתיחה שלי בכנס:

זה היה הדין וחשבון שלי, אם יש לכם שאלות, בעיות ואפילו ביקורת אתם מוזמנים לפנות אליי בכל דבר ועניין לכתובת הזו - sshaffir@knesset.gov.il
שיהיה חודש גדוש בעשייה לכולנו וחג שבועות שמח!

כנסת ישראל · משכן הכנסת · ירושלים 9195015 · Israel