18 September 2018

Commanders for Israel's Security Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements: The Silver Platter of the Yom Kippur War

Source: mass emailing

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Dear Debra V. Wilson,

Just moments before the onset of Yom Kippur, as so many Israeli families deal with the pain of that horrific war 45 years ago, I'd like to share with you some personal reflections on those testing moments as conveyed to an Israeli correspondent and published earlier today [for English version: click here or here for pdf file].

In a few days I'll be in touch again, to brief you on our ambitious objectives and aggressive plans for major public campaigns starting October and running all the way to Election Day. No, we shall endorse no party or candidate, nor will we attack any. But remaining strictly non-partisan is not synonymous with sitting on our hands. We will be aggressive; we will be loud; we will be all over the place; and we will get public attention to our main battle cry and to its logic and urgency: "No Annexation. Separation!".

How we intend to do that and why we believe our effort might affect not only the public discourse but possibly electoral choices – all that for next time.
For now, just כתיבה וחתימה טובה to you and all who are dear to you.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef

Commanders for Israel's Security
Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements

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