01 June 2018

New Israel Fund News: Protecting the Right to Protest

Source: mass emailing

[image - NIF News]

This Isn't About Jafar

The lived experience of so many Israelis who take part in political protests -- peace activists, Ethiopian-Israelis, refugees, and even settlers -- is that the police can and do act with brutal force to shut down political speech. Read More »
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Confronting Police Brutality in Haifa

Video shows Jafar Farah calmly walking to a police cruiser after his arrest at a demonstration in Haifa on Friday night. He ended up with a broken knee. Read More »

Responding to the Gaza Crisis

The terrible situation along the Israel-Gaza border deteriorated to a new low last week. Read More »

WATCH: The Trailblazer Who Made Sure AIDS Patients Would Be Cared For

Avinof Frumer led a courageous campaign by the LGBTQ community at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Read More »

About the Trailblazers Series

This spring, we will be telling the stories of trailblazers who acted on their values and came together to fight for their rights. READ MORE AND WATCH »

Composing for Peace: A Concert for Social Change

Many musicians, including Mira Awad, Achinoam Nini (Noa), David Broza, and Peter Yarrow, came together in a celebration of the unique role that music and the arts play in social change and Israel today. Read More »

"Making Room" for Religious LGBTQ People

Things are changing in the religious community in Israel when it comes to LGBTQ issues—and it's thanks to Shoval. Read More »
What We're Reading
Israeli Court Halts Expulsion of Senior Human Rights Watch Official
  Haaretz, 23 May 2018
Amid Israel-Gaza Violence, a Personal Drive to Preserve Humanity and Hope
  Christian Science Monitor, 23 May 2018
Israel Blocks Hundreds of Asylum Seekers From Accessing Their Bank Account
  Haaretz, 22 May 2018
All 19 Haifa Protest Detainees Released
  Ynet, 21 May 2018
What Is the Gaza Fence and Why Has It Set Off Protests Against Israel?
  New York Times, 16 May 2018
"The Current Israeli Government Feels It Can Do Anything"
  Slate, 15 May 2018
Jerusalem Vetoes Far-Right Billboard for 'Inciting Violence' Against US-Based New Israel Fund
  Haaretz, 10 May 2018
Read more from the NIF In The News section on our website »
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NIF helps Israel live up to its founders' vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants. Our aim is to advance liberal democracy, including freedom of speech and minority rights, and to fight inequality, injustice, and extremism that diminish Israel.
Stand for a better Israel. Support NIF.

New Israel Fund (NIF)  |  6 East 39th Street, New York, NY  |  212.613.4400  |  www.nif.org

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